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A Shoutout of thanks to; pplhater1000 , TeaceFindlay, CloudyNightTime, ExtremeLuna666 & wiserambles!!


I cradled her in my arms, nuzzling her cheek. Her hair was soft, so soft- my instincts were going mad trying to place my scent all over her body.

She was the most beautiful female I'd ever held. That might had been bias- as my thoughts drifted back to my wife. I eyes clench shut.

Serena was just like her- her soft dark hair, delicious kissable lips, and rose tainted cheeks. The taste of her, was ten fold- it was a drug, and I wanted more.

I really needed to get away- but it was no use. My instincts were taking over.

I growled as Amelia stirred in her sleep, a moan escape from her dry lips. I could smell it- the scent was thick in the air. Sweet and mouthwatering.
Her fever was rising again- I could sense it.
The longer I sat here close to her, the stronger the bond was forming.

Groaning, I held my breath and counted. Trying to resist the urge to claim her as mine.

I gently laid her down, feeling the ice cold floor against my warm hands. If it were this cold to me, what more was is to her flush skin?

She was naked.

He growled low, and grab hold of her restrains pulling them apart with both of his bare hands. Metal cluttered to the floor and then another- He felt like sick bastard. As he delighted at the thought of her bound to his own bed.

He stiffed, feeling his arousal tighten even further.

Shit. He had to stop thinking with his dick.

Cradling her in his arms as she whimpered. He stood and carried her out of the cellars.

Sighing in relief, as the tagging inside his chest stopped. He carried her away, to his bedroom, and gently placed her on the mattress. He had changed the sheets, and made sure everything single thing was sterile.

He had not understood when the doctor had said, her heat was something he had never seen before. Surely he was joking. Heat was heat, it was like an ordinary human going through puberty.

Who the hell was he kidding. He remembered his first experience with heat.

The female in their group during their months of survival had gone through her first stage of heat. She had gone off to find food, when he heard her screams of terror, she was being raped by savage wolves that he had then killed with his own bare hands.

Later on that week, the female had gone through a strange fever, she was moaning and screaming in pain. They had not known that her scent changing was something hormonal, for all they thought she was dying.

Then her mate had come- her scent luring him in...

He would never have admitted it to anyone, but he was awestruck at what had happen that night. Two destined lovers meeting for the first time, complete strangers gazing at each other like gravity pulled them together...

He gaze out at the window- looking at the vas forest. His land, his country- he ruled it like no other. He ruled it like a King, but maybe, just maybe it was time to claim his queen.

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