Chapter XIX

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Park chanmi

I shut the door on his face and walked back to living room to continue watching drama. "Who was it chanmi-ah?"Jinhee unnie asked she saw me walk back. "Just some kid playing prank"I said and sat on the couch. As soon as my butt landed on the couch, doorbell started ringing  again.

Chanyeol Oppa who was dozing off also woke up from that noise. "Who is there babe?"He asked unnie. "Just some random kid playing prank oppa"I told him before unnie could tell him. "I'll go and scold him"Oppa stood up and walked the the door. 

"Oh jongin its you ? Chanmi said it was some kid playing prank. Lets go inside"Oppa's voice could be heard in the living room. As soon as both of them walked in the living room Chanyeol oppa glared at me where as that liar had smile plastered on his face. 

"Yah! park chanmi where are your manners? I don't think it is good manner to shut door on people's face."Chanyeol oppa scolded me. "I don't show manner to liars" I retorted and rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"If you are done scolding me then I'll be heading to my room, I don't want to see the person who lied to me."I said and walked back to the room where I was staying temporarily.

Kim Jongin

  "If you are done scolding me then I'll be heading to my room, I don't want to see the person who lied to me." she said and walked back to her room. Both chanyeol hyung and Jinhee noona gave me eyes of pity while I gave out a sad smile.

"She's just upset jongin-ah, don't loose hope"Jinhee noona tried to cheer me up. I just gave her a small smile and nodded.

"I'll get going then .She is too hard headed so she won't open the door. Please give this bouquet to chanmi"I gave the bouquet to Jinhee noona and walked out of their mansion. What should I do to make up with you park chanmi?

Park Chanmi

"Chanmi-ah open the door"I heard Jinhee unnie shout outside my door. I opened the door and saw her with the bouquet that jongin brought.

"Here, your lover boy left it for you"she said and handed me the bouquet. "He left?"I asked her with sadness. Wait but why am I sad?

"Obviously, would you stay after he said the same thing to you?"Jinhee unnie snorted. "I don't care"I told her but inside I know I obviously care.

"Now stop sulking and forgive him, I can see he is sorry"Unnie suggested me to make up with him.

Before I could say anything, her cellphone rang.  She excused myself and answered the call.
After she hung up the call, she told me yoora unnie was the one to call her. Yoora unnie invited her and chanyeol oppa to main mansion i.e. our parents' mansion.

Not after so long my phone rang and it was Jongin. My Ego won and I didn't answer his call. He texted me saying "Heechul hyung called me and said to be at main mansion during dinner. So at least for tonight lets pretend you aren't angry with me." followed by the text "I am sorry, forgive me. I love you".

"okay" was all I replied. When I checked the time it was 5:48 already. We usually have dinner at 8 so we need to leave around 7. I borrowed Jinhee unnie's red dress and her stilettos. When I was done dressing up it was 6:56.

I was about to get in the same car with chanyeol oppa and jinhee unnie but chanyeol oppa stopped me.

"Jongin, called  and said he'll  pick you up. So wait for him to arrive " oppa said as he entered the car. "See you at the mansion"he added and drove off.

After waiting for 10 minutes Kim jongin arrived. He walked out of the car with bouquet in his hand. He smiled at me and handed me the bouquet.I took the bouquet without smiling. I know I am being mean but can't help it.

He drove to the main mansion. After 30 minutes drive we finally reached the mansion. He parked his car beside chanyeol oppa's and we got out of the car. He held my hand and we walked inside smiling. If I tell you I was faking a smile than it'd be a lie. I've longing to hold this hand even though it hasn't been so long. I want to forgive him but my ego doesn't let me win. Sigh!!

We walked inside and saw everyone in the living room. Chanyeol oppa, heechul oppa and appa were talking; yijun was sitting on omma's lap and playing with her while yoora unnie and jinhee unnie were busy in their own world.

"We are here"I announced our arrival. Everyone's eye fell on us and a smile appeared on omma's face. "Our youngest daughter is here with our youngest son in law"Omma said and came to hug both of us. After she pulled back, yijun was the one to hug me.

"I missed you chanmi omma"He said as hugged my waist. "I missed you too yijunnie"I said to him, as I carried him on my arms and kissed his cheeks. 

After having some family time, we had dinner. In the middle of eating yoora unnie interrupted us. "Today we asked everyone for dinner, because we have some news to share"She smiled."What is it Unnie/Noona?"I and Chanyeol oppa asked at the same time.

"I am 3 months pregnant"She announced and heechul oppa kissed her cheeks. "No wonder you were eating pig in oppa's wedding plus you even gained weight" I said and she glared at me. "Shut up Park Chanmi, wait until you be pregnant"She said and I blushed but didn't show it. Other than me everyone congratulated unnie and we continued eating."What about you Jinhee-ah, when will you give me grand child?"Mom asked jinhee unnie, probably teasing her. "Soon omma"Chanyeol oppa answered her instead unnie making unnie blush harder.

After dinner I was in the balcony enjoying the fresh air. Suddenly I felt something hard against my back, and after not so long a pair of hands wrapped around my waist. I didn't have to guess who it was. I tried to remove his hand from my waist but he didn't budge.

"Jagiya stop being mad at me, I promise I'll never lie to you. Just forgive me and come back home, home doesn't feel like home without you. Please forgive me and come back"He said, with a weak voice making my heart weak.

I removed his arms from my waist and faced him. His eyes were glassy making my weak heart, more weaker. "I am sorry, forgive me"He said which came out like a whisper.If I don't forgive him, then my heart will never let me live. "Promise me you won't lie to me ever again?"I held out my pinky finger to him. "I promise"He said and intertwined his pinky finger with mine. 

"Then ,I forgive you"I said and pulled him into a hug.

PS : Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting. Sorry for not updating more often, I had tests. Have a nice day :) 

Playboy's FiancéOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora