Chapter XIV

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Park Chanmi

 I woke up feeling sick, blame that oh sehun and Lee taemin for giving me nonsense dares which made me choose drinking instead of doing dares. I was about to go to wash up when I realized hands were wrapped around me and I was sleeping on the top of jongin. Jongin's shirt was unbuttoned and he had hickeys on his neck. He isn't capable of giving himself hickeys, don't tell me... I did that and that is when everything that happened yesterday played like flashbacks in movie.

"Jongin you are so cute"I said and pinched his cheeks making him blush .  "Specially when you are jealous, you look so cute"I said and kissed his cheeks. His ears got more red. 

"You know oppa when you smile, you look more attractive"I said to him. I called him oppa, shit!!! "Aish oppa don't bite your lips like that, you make me want to kiss you" I whined .Shit! that is not me, someone please tell me that is not me and this is a dream.

Suddenly, I smashed my lips on his and kissed him with passion. My lips moved against his and he was kissing me back. We were in middle of kissing when I pulled back and started kissing his  jaw line. Shit! shit! shit! what am I doing.

He pushed me and I stared at him . "Chanmi you are drunk, go back to sleep"He told me. "No I am not..shh.."I said and put my finger on his lips. I unbuttoned my shirt and started kissing my collarbone . Oh my god, I was the one to unbutton his shirt. Ottokae? how am I going to face him now.

Should I pretend nothing happened or pretend like i don't remember a thing? yes, I'll pretend as if i don't remember a thing, right now I need to wash up. When I walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed, Jongin wasn't in my room and that is a good thing. I changed into comfortable clothes and walked to kitchen where jongin was cooking food and sehun and taemin were sitting on the table massaging their head. I took place beside taemin and waited for the breakfast.

After 20 minutes or more jongin came with haejak guk and we started eating silently. None of us talked until sehun said "Kai-ah, I see you had fun last night" making me and jongin choke on our food. "W-What are you talking about?"Jongin stuttered. "Don't be shy, I can see the lovebites that chanmi gave you"Sehun cooed.

"I didn't do that" I defended myself. "Sure, you didn't. Kai did that to himself"Sehun rolled his eyes and I was flustered. I had my last spoonful of rice and left the table without saying a word.Yes, I am running away because I am totally embarrassed.I can't even face jongin right now.

After a minute or two, I heard soft knocks on my door. I opened the door and saw Kim jongin. I was about to close the door but jongin stopped me and got inside. "Why did you run away?"He asked me as he sat on my bed. "R-run away? I didn't run away"I stuttered. Great! now I am stuttering too.

"Are you avoiding me?"Jongin narrowed his eyes at me. How did he know?. "What?Avoid you?why would I avoid you?"I lied. "I don't know, maybe you remember something you did yesterday"his tone was full of playfulness.He is obviously teasing me.

"Yesterday?I don't remember anything after I passed out"I tried to play clueless. Suddenly Jongin bit his lips."Don't you want to kiss me now?"He is teasing me. His eyes were playful and he is trying not to laugh. He is totally teasing me about yesterday but I am not giving up, I am never gonna admit that I remember everything about last night cause its really embarrassing.

"Why would I kiss you?I don't like not that you like-"I was cut off by jongin's lips. "Saranghae"He said in way that melted my heart. I just stared at him debating whether to believe him or not. "I mean it, I love you Park chanmi, I fell for you"He said and he sounded serious and sincere. He then pulled me into a gentle kiss melting my heart and I didn't hesitate to kiss him back.

"Ay, love birds you had enough fun last night, if you aren't  yet satisfied  you can continue at home, now pack your things we are leaving in a hour"Sehun shouted making us pull away. He is such a killjoy.

At the moment, I have lots of things going in my mind. I am annoyed because of sehun, glad because Jongin confessed before I'd confess to him, probably one sided but it turned out two sided.

"So are you going to stand and stare or reply to my confession?"Jongin raised an eyebrow."Maybe or Maybe not"I decided to tease him. "Yah! Park Chanmi,stop teasing me"Jongin said as he pulled me closer. "Okay! I love you too"I said and kissed him and he kissed back.

"Yah you teenagers with hormones,we need to go now"This time killjoy award goes to Lee Taemin. Aish!! these two. Jongin pecked me one last time and left to pack his stuff. After packing our stuffs, we left the beach house.

Jongin said he wanted to drive so i let him drive. I was on the passengers seat and two of them were at the back seat. I felt something warm on my hand, I looked down and saw jongin was holding my hand. 

"Yah! we'll get into accident if you do this"I scolded jongin. "We won't"he said and held my hand tighter. I tried to get out of his grip but no use so I let him be. If you are wondering about the killjoys, they are snoring in the backseat now.

We were half-way to home when I felt my eyelids getting heavy. "Are you sleepy baby?"Jongin asked me and I nodded. "Okay sleep, I'll wake you up"I heard him say before I drifted to dreamland.

Ps:Thank you for reading, voting and commenting and I am sorry if this chapter is boring. Anyways, Have a nice day :)

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