Chapter XI

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Park Chanmi

As I met Jongin in the hallways his first question was "How was it?". "Nice, very nice actually. I might score 90%"I answered. "That's like my girl"He said and hugged me. Too much skinships and did he just call me his girl?

"So now that exam is finished, do you wanna go in a weekend trip?"Jongin asked me asked we walked towards parking. "Where though?"I asked him. "Anywhere outside Seoul like busan, jeonju, gwangju or some other place."He said."Hmm..Jeonju sounds good but only two of us?"I asked him. "We can ask sehun and Taemin to join us"Jongin suggested. "Okay"was all I said and jongin started driving.

"Here take my phone and call taemin"Jongin said and handed me his phone while he kept on driving."Put the call on loudspeaker"He added. I did as he said, after few rings he answered the call. "Wae?"Taemin said without saying hello. "Hello to you too"Jongin said with sarcasm. "I'm sure you didn't call me to hear a simple'hello', tell me why did you call?"Taemin asked completely ignoring jongin's sarcasm making me giggle a bit.

"Oh is Chanmi with you?"He asked jongin but before jongin could say anything, "Yes I am with him"I told taemin. "Do you and sehun have plans for this weekend?"Jongin asked Taemin."No, why?"Taemin said. "I and chanmi are thinking of going for weekend trip so she wanted you guys to join too"Jongin told taemin. "You must be upset"Taemin said and laughed. Why would jongin be sad?. "Why would I be sad?"Jongin asked taemin as if he read my mind.

"Because Chanmi ruined for honeymoon plan"Taemin said and laughed more."Yah ! pervert I'll kill you"I yelled at him through phone and he laughed more. "So are you coming or not?"Jongin asked him."Yeah count me in"Taemin said. "Okay tell sehun about this and come to my apartment with your luggage then we can plan the trip and leave tomorrow"Jongin told him. "Arraseo I'll tell sehun and be at your place in an hour"Taemin said and hung up the call.

 When Taemin hung up the call we were already infront of our apartment building. Jongin parked the car and we went upstairs. till the time Sehun and Taemin come I and jongin packed our luggage for the weekend. After 30 mins the bell rang and we knew who it was. I opened the door and both of them attacked me with a hug.

Kim Jongin

When chanmi opened the door those idiots hugged her and smirked at me. I glared at them and they pulled away. We all walked to living room and sat on the couch.

"So where are we going?"Taemin asked. "Jeonju "I answered."Hmm.. Jeonju seems fine but lets go to Sokcho. I have a beach house there. We can party, chill and do some barbecue"Sehun said. "That sounds good too"Chanmi said and I just nodded.

"Okay then we can leave tomorrow, so what will we do now?"Taemin asked."drink until we die"Sehun said and we glared at him.  "Such a drunkard"I and chanmi said at the same time and laughed.

"We have like 16 hours to leave and it takes 3 hrs to reach sokcho, should we leave now?"Taemin asked and we stared at each other's face for few seconds. "Lets go"We all said simultaneously. 

We decided to take sehun's car. I decided to drive and sehun sat next to me while chanmi is  sitting with taemin in the back. After driving for an hour, I stopped the car. "I am tired now you drive"I said to Sehun.

Park chanmi

"I'll drive"I said and three of them turned head towards me. "You know how to drive?"Jongin asked mocking me. "Ofcourse I do"I said and glared at him. "Okay then drive"Jongin said and moved to passenger's seat while sehun went to my seat. "Lets go"I said and started driving or should I say speeding.

I was driving 100 km/hr that was highest speed limit. I glanced to my side and saw jongin had a frightened expression with sehun and taemin. Lets have some fun now. I started driving zigzag that made three of them scream.

"Yah Park Chanmi, slow down"Three of them shouted at the same time and I laughed. "Slow down chanmi, I'll throw up"Sehun said from back. "Okay okay"I said and was about to slow down the car but another evil plan crossed my mind. "Oh My God" I started."What happened?"Jongin asked with heavy breathe."Brake isn't working  jongin, I can't stop the car"I tried to sound as frightened as I could. I might win an Oscar with this acting.

"You are joking right?Right park chanmi"Sehun asked me. I shook my head as no"yes I am joking"I said and started laughing. "You are so bad chanmi, I hate you"Sehun said and I laughed more. "You stop the car and exchange seats with jongin, and let jongin drive. I don't want to die yet"Taemin said while holding his chest."I don't want to" Giving them the scariest glare. By the way I am not driving right now, we are in middle of highway.

"No Park Chanmi Change seats now, I don't want to die yet"Sehun joined taemin. Now I am getting angry. "You also don't want me to drive?"I turned to jongin asked him with cold voice. He nodded and immediately shook his head."Fine exchange seats"My voice remained colder. 

Kim Jongin

"Its okay, you drive"I said after hearing her tone. I am 100% sure she is mad. I got chills when I heard her cold voice."No, you drive"She told me. "Its okay you can drive"I told her. "I said you drive, then drive, stop irritating me"She yelled and I flinched in response. We exchanged seats and I started driving.

"Hey Chanmi, are you mad?"Sehun asked chanmi. "Don't talk to me, let me sleep"Chanmi shouted making me deaf. She is definitely mad.

After driving for 30 minutes in silence, we finally reached sehun's beach house. We all got out of the car and entered the beach house. Sehun handed everyone room of their keys including chanmi,even though he was scared at first. As soon as Chanmi got the keys she went inside her room and shut the door loudly. I just hope her anger will cool down.

Ps: Thank you so much for reading, votes and comments. Have a nice day :)

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