Chapter XV

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Kim jongin

After dropping Sehun and Taemin to their mansion, I drove us to our apartment. I am so tired right now and Chanmi is sleeping like a puppy. I shook her shoulder to wake her up."Baby wake up, we are home"I tried to wake her up but she didn't budge. "Chanmi-ah wake up"I shook her shoulder and she opened her eyes.

"Still sleepy?"I asked her and she nodded."Lets go, you can sleep more in our apartment"I said to her. "Jongin-ah carry me, I am too tired to walk"She said and raised her hand for me to carry her. Aigoo,what will I do with her?.

I carried her bridal style and walked into the elevator. Believe me or not but she was snuggling closer to me as baby koala clings to its mother. When we reached our floor, I got out of the elevator and walked towards our apartment. As I entered our apartment, I walked to my bedroom and lay chanmi on the bed and I slept beside her because I was too tried because of driving.

Park Chanmi

I woke up in jongin's embrace. When I glanced on wall clock it showed 10, since it is dark outside, it is definitely 10 pm. I am hungry but I don't want to wake up jongin. He looks so tired, I'll try to make something for me and jongin. I removed jongin's arms that were wrapped around me and walked to kitchen to make us some food.But the question is, what should I make?

I ended up making kimchi fried rice.  I was going to wake jongin to eat and at the same time he came out of his room, rubbing his eyes ;looking tired. "Baby, Mwohae?"Jongin asked as he entered the kitchen. "I made us food"I said and pulled him to sit on the chair.

I kept the plate in front of him and asked him to eat. "I can't eat by myself, my hands hurt from driving . Feed me"He said and pouted making me feed him. "How is it?"I asked him."Very good"He said and smile. I took a spoonful in my mouth and it tasted okay. For the first time I made edible food, it is a great achievement.  

After dinner I was going to my room to sleep when jongin pulled me."Sleep with me"He said making my eyes wide."Yah! pervert I didn't me that"Jongin said and playfully hit my head. "I didn't think any thing pervert"I defended myself even though in reality i did think pervert thing.

"Okay, you didn't, now lets go to sleep"Jongin said. "But-"I tried to protest. "No buts , now lets go"he said and pulled me in his room and we cuddled each other to sleep. 

I woke up hearing my phone ring. "Hello"I answered. "Chanmi, are you still sleeping?"It was Yoora unnie. "Yeah, I was until you disturbed my sleep,Its like 5 in morning. Why did you call now?"I said annoyed."I called to visit mansion at 10. We need to shop for Chanyeol's wedding and that's omma's order. You better be in mansion at 10 with jongin. Chanyeol is getting married tomorrow if you don't remember"Yoora unnie informed me. 

Wow!! I didn't realize 2 months has passed since our engagement and thing about oppa's wedding slipped out of my mind. "Arraseo I'll be at mansion with jongin. Now I'll hang up"I said and hang up.  Guess, I'll have to skip classes for few days. I set an alarm for 8 and went back to sleep.

I woke up feeling ticklish sensation on my face.I opened my eyes and saw jongin's face right above me. He pecked my lips taking me by surprise. "Why are you being like this since morning?"I asked him in a lazy tone.

"Its 9 already , we have to hurry up, we need to be at mansion by 10"Jongin told and pulled me making me sit straight on the bed. "How did you know?"I asked him because I haven't told him about it. "I heard you talk to yoora noona, now go shower else we'll be late."He said and I just yawned and made my way to washroom. 

"Want me to join you?"I heard him shout as soon as I entered the bathroom."Shut up pervert"I shouted back and he chuckled in response. After shower, we had breakfast made by jongin and drove to mansion.

It was 9:58 when we reached the mansion. As soon as we entered the mansion, we were greeted by smiling yijun. I opened my arms wide to hug him when he came running towards me and jongin but instead of coming to me that brat ran to jongin. He surely loves his Kai appa.

Jongin also hugged him and grinned. "You missed me so much didn't you?"Jongin said as he ruffled yijun's hair and he nodded. "What about me?"I asked him."I missed chanmi omma too"He said and ran to hug me. "I missed you too my puppy"I said and kissed his cheeks as he pulled out from the hug.

"Who did you miss more? Kai appa or Chanmi omma?"Jongin asked yijun. "Yah! Jongin you don't have to ask that, of course he missed me more"I stated. I am his chanmi omma who has been spoiling him since his birth. He'll definitely choose me.

"You answer yijun-ah"Jongin said to yijun completely ignoring my statement. "I missed Kai appa more"As soon as yijun said that my heart filled with feeling of betrayal and Jongin had his famous smirk on his mouth making me want to rip out his mouth.

Before I could say anything unnie and omma interrupted me. "Oh you guys are here, how are you jongin-ah?"My mother asked jongin. "I am good Eomonim"Jongin answered smiling. Both unnie and omma were talking to jongin as if I was invisible.

"Hello!! I am also here"I tried to make notice me. Both of them glanced at me and turned back to talk to jongin making me pout. "Omma!!  I am you child not him"I said irritated. "I know but I'd be glad if jongin was my child"My said. She is so mean.

After staying silent for long time, somebody finally noticed me and It was non other than heechul oppa. "Oh chanmi you are here"Heechul oppa said. I literally ran and hugged him. Finally, Someone noticed me. He hugged me back. "Why were you sitting silently?"He gave me a confused look. "Because oppa some people in the family love their future son-in-law / brother-in-law more than their own daughter /sister"I said and oppa laughed. I glared at him but he didn't stop laughing. Appa and Chanyeol oppa joined us in the living room too.

After sometime they finished talking to jongin and mom started assigning different works that needed to be checked. I and Jongin were assigned to check decoration of the venue and cake along with our outfits that we were going to wear tomorrow and trust me it was really tiring.

After finishing the work that we were assigned we came back to mansion. We had dinner and I directly to my room to sleep without saying anything to anyone. Well, I am tired to even utter a word. 

After not so long I felt some one slightly push me to other side of the bed. I lazily opened my eyes and saw jongin's face. "Did I wake you?"He asked softly and I nodded. He gave me an apologetic smile but I was too tired to say anything. He lay on the side I was sleeping earlier and turned off the light. I snuggled closer to him and we cuddled to sleep.

PS: Thank you for reading, voting and commenting. I'll try to update new chapter sooner and Have a nice day :).

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