Chapter 34 | Project Drunken Kiss

Start from the beginning

"Jordan, get your ass inside!" Brandon ordered as he opened the passenger seat where Jordan was on his knees so that we were unable to see him.

"Dude, why are you on your knees?" Lorenzo commented when he too saw how ridiculous he seemed.

He stood up from his knees and wiped his knees which had compiled some dirt on it. "I very much like that position," Sophia and I shared a looked understanding the innuendo behind that.

Sophia cleared her throat, realizing the awkward tension in the car from what Jordan had said. "Do you have any idea why the car is parked in an ally?"

"I parked it here, you guys were so drunk that there was no way I was going to drive your asses to a motel,"

"Then where did you go?" Lorenzo questioned.

Brandon let out a soft whistle. "Don't you remember? He went home with this smoky hot chick, they were literally eye raping one another before doing the nasty,"

Once again Sophia and I shared a look – he went home with a girl?

Jordan nervously chuckled, a rose color spreading onto his cheeks as he rubbed his neck. "Yeah, it was a girl..."

"The one with the blond hair?" Sophia suddenly asked.

Jordan swallowed, he was about to reply but Brandon replied.

"No, it was the girl with the fiery redhead...was she good in bed?"

"Good grace am I the only one who is weirded out about this conversation?"

I quickly raised my hands and Sophia followed after. "I am defiantly weirded out, someone please change the subject," I pleaded.

"Gladly, so where are we off to now?" Mackenzie came to my savior and changed the subject.

Brandon answered, "Next stop is camping,"

"Camping? I think you meant food, there is no way I am going camping without eating at least one good meal before eating bugs for breakfast, lunch, and supper," Sophia was the first to complain about not eating food.

Who could ever say no to food?

"Yes," Lorenzo nodded his head. "Because we will hunt for bugs rather than use the meat we stored in the mini fridge," Lorenzo deadpanned.

Sophia shrugged her shoulders. "You never know,"

"Fucking idiot," Lorenzo muttered underneath his breath and stared at my best friend as if she was a mantis that came from a different planet.

Sophia took one glance at Lorenzo with a scowl on her face before averting her gaze towards Brandon. "So can we please go eat first?"

Brandon let out a long sight before agreeing with Sophia. "Fine but we are only staying for 20 minutes,"

Twenty minutes turned into an hour, an hour turned to two hours and then three freaking long hours. We had somehow managed to take a wrong turn thanks to Jordan for parking the car in an unknown all and to make matters worse the GPS was acting out thus telling us to take random turns, at what point I actually believed we were in Mexico.

Don't ask me why...I just had a feeling we were but likely we were not and it only took us less than ten minutes to order our food and we were on our merry way.

However when things were going smoothly with no problem until Jordan made his ass explode and that time it was five hundred times worse than the previous one. I was pretty damn sure that I was about to die from the plan, it smelled worse than anything I have ever smelled, I couldn't even compare it to any smell because I had never ever smelled something so so...there wasn't even a word for the smell that escaped his ass.

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