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I had a week to find a great gift for Roxy she's turning 16. I want to give her something that'll she love maybe something related to our bands that sounds nice.How about making a realistic drawing of Brendon??? Hey that sounds good  oooooh I know what's better I'll go to her house make her go somewhere else while I send to my self the pics I know she loves of Brendon than put it together in a nice frame.Ooooh I could also order a panic! sign frame!!!! If that's even a thing.You know what Ima search it up good thing I have like 4 days and a half to order online.

I search in all the stores I could think and I couldn't find anything the only choice is to go a photo shop whatever it's call and show them a picture problem solve.
Ok so now let's go to Rox's and
get the pictures.I know what else I could buy she wanted a cookie cake long time ago Ima buy it know what ??? Ima tell my mom to lend me a couple of extra bucks aside from the money I have saved so I can take a trip to Hot Topic yeah Ima do that.Ok off to see my Roxy do I sound like a lovestruck teenager ??? Maybe.

I knock on her door with the rhythm of this is gospel."who's there??",she open it trying to bite back a smile but her dimple gave that out."this is gospel for the fallen ones",she finally chuckle a bit couldn't resist my charm huh?"locked away in permanent slumber assembling their apostrophes from pieces of broken memories",A smirk grew on my face I love whenever she does the deep voices while singing for the hell of it I kiss her cheek is not like I haven't kiss her cheek before."couldn't resist all this charm could ya??",her cheeks were tinted a light shade of pink never seen her blush before well not in front of me I kiss her nose and went inside.I waited for her to close the door and than plop on her bed it's my thing jumping right to her comfy bed it smell like her I'm not weird you are!! "So what brings you here??? Didn't we text till 4am yesterday?? And I stayed over at your place not so long ago too don't you get bored???",she sat on her desk and continue whatever she was doing."nah would you mind if you make me a sandwich I'm kinda hungry you know I eat every hour so could ya pliz??"I pouted my lip and did a puppy face I knew she'll give in which she did thankfully.After she left I quickly grab her phone every time I came I try to figure out her password which I finally did.I send about 8 pictures to myself and put it back where she left it.

I spend an hour or so and headed to my place weird I usually stay till around midnight but I'm running out of time and money.I ask my mom for a few extra bucks she gave in once I told her it was for Roxy's birthday.She's  been teasing me the past few Weekes with Roxy
She said and I quote 'destiny sure is calling you' I didn't know what that meant. I search it up and it was a lyric from an old band that she liked back in high school I'm pretty sure Roxy has listen to this song before.I grab all the things needed to create this masterpiece hope it comes out great now let's put this
'Artistic skills' to use.I started with the picture of Brendon when he had a white sweatshirt and glasses she love that picture and it look great after I added some lil details here and there.I drew about six more drawings at least five times each it had it to be perfect.Ok the drawings are good the frame I design is already being made and the cookie cake is pre order all I need is to go to hot topic.

I went straight to hot topic and look over the MCR stuff first.I chose a gray pull up sweatshirt I remember her telling me she wanted it last time we came.Next it was of course Panic! I took longer in that section cause I wanted to buy something for me too,I got a lil over excited cause I got her another pull up sweater a cool moon and sun necklace and also the black t-shirt she want it,forgot to say it was the same shirt we fought over the first time we met.I know she hates when we are matching but I still bought two of them.Ok so my presents are ready just need to wait about two more days for the frame to be ready to be pick up that'll give me time to add the final touch to the drawings.

The days went really fast it was around 11:50 I had my timer on so it could go off at 12:00 I had 5 minutes to spare so I jog quickly to her house not before getting the cookie cake.I arrive at the door just in time I text Scar to open the door for me since she was staying the night.When she open the door she had an annoyed face I bet cause her parents made take bunch of pictures which she's not a fan of.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY CUTIE!!!",ooops did I said my thoughts out loud?? Oh shit her Dad is right there!!! I felt so damn hot my cheeks were fucking burning thank god for my emo hair it cover half of my face.
I look up to Roxy and she was having the time of her life laughing at my misery.

She excuse herself and drag me to her room.She engulf me in a tight hug I burry my head on her neck."geez I can feel the heat from your face it's cute when you blush but damn stop it!! Don't tell me I made you blush even more ugh"
That triple my blush.
"I hate warmth get away from me oh and thank you very much for the cookie cake been craving oh and also for coming"
She kiss my cheek ugh noooo!!
"Would you stop that you're making me blush even worst!!!"Now I felt my whole body warm and red if that's even possible."I'm not doing anything it's you!!!",I burrow my face in a pillow and groan.She turn me around and took away the pillow don't know what got into me but I pull her on to me."I thought you were blushing because of-",I cut her off with a peck on the lips.
"Did you just-",what's better than kissing your best friend on her birthday okay that sounded weird let me rephrase what's better for a GUY to kiss her best friend/also the girl she likes on her birthday better."I don't know how long I had waited for that",I smirk once I notice how red she was."who's blushing now",she didn't respond just lay her head on my chest.
Wait wait WAIT!! Did I just kiss my best friend?? In her birthday?? Wait wasn't it her first kiss??? Shit.Oh well we'll worry about that later.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2017 ⏰

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