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Yesterday I felt so depressed my anxiety kick in and I needed fresh air so I went outside at 3am.My head was throbbing after crying I feel pathetic at times so I let my feelings out through singing.It surprise me the cute guy from hot topic lives nearby I enjoy his company last night made me feel comfortable around him for some reason.

Today is Saturday I waked up pretty late cause I slept around 5am just thinking.My house is empty so that means my parents left for work,my sister went out,and my brother is at my uncle's house so that means I have the house to myself!!! I turn on the speakers and dance to 'Golden Days' love that song.

Since I was bored as hell I went out to take out the trash.It was drizzling perfect weather to be outside.I went back grab my phone and earbuds.This place is always empty as fuck perfect.I felt a tap on my shoulder I was so deep in thought I jumped a bit."Sorry didn't meant to scare ya",it was Alex.
"Oh hey Alex wanna join me??",he nodded and hop on next to me.He was shivering what kind of mess up kid would come out in the rain with only a tank top on ?? "Aren't y-you c-old??",this dude is insane so much alike."nah I'm cold blooded so I'm use to it you but someone else seems really cold hold on",he was too busy shivering to notice I went back inside no I didn't left him there I went to grab a sweater I still have a heart."here ya go since you are skinny you'll fit in it"

His shivering died down thanks god
but still seems like he was cold.
"You didn't have too but this sweater is so cozy thanks Rox",he seems to like calling me that I always wanted someone to give me a nickname finally."if you call me Rox can I call you Lex??",he nodded."well Lex what's your favorite Panic! Album??","Well you know all their 5 albums are great but my favorite will maybe be Fever it's just so great how bout you??","well I kinda agree with ya I love Fever and Brendon's cute lil voice back than my least favorite album would be Pretty Odd it's just so Ryan like he's not even in the band anymore beebo IS Panic! well that's my opinion",he snorted."you sure love Brendon don't ya?? Couldn't agree more like he has an amazing voice he's a good dancer great personality and he even was in Broadway once!! Like he's perfect!!,I love this guy he totally gets me"."I know right !! Don't forget his hair no matter what it's always perfect and those tattoos they look awesome on him and those full lips of his and that great smile-",I was so out of breath way to go Roxy being weird in front of a guy you like just great."woah calm down no need to turn purple I get it he's perfect and we both love him but didn't we forget about Daddy long legs??","Dallon!! He's so hot too btw he was 1st member I liked when I first liked Panic! At the disco I had like 300 pics of him on my old phone what about MCR?? Who do you like more??",I swear I heard him squeal but he tried to cover it up with a cough."the Way brothers are amazing but don't forget about lil fronkie like even now he's old and shit but he's still adorable as fuuuuk!! Don't give me that look I'm straight ok I'm just a fangirl over MCR and Panic! And don't say anything cause you are worst than me!!",woah we are both obsess as hell I'm a tad bit dizzy he was shaking my shoulders all this time.

"We're two obsess awkward fucks aren't we??",the rain got a bit more stronger so we are currently sitting down under the roof of my house with snack wrappers everywhere.
"We sure are Rox weird how we met like two days ago and we have been talking like we are best buds",that's really true I barely met him on Friday and we have talk like for 5 hours about fandom nonsense."where you home alone?? Cause I am and wouldn't your parents get mad at you for being gone for hours??",I didn't want him to get busted cause of me."nah my parents are okay if I'm out late plus I'm the only child so I can do whatever I want",this guy is so lucky only child."dude how's that like?? Cause I'm a middle kid and it sucks big time they say I'm the sour lemon from the fam no kidding",he chuckle a bit huh I barely notice he has a dimple like me but on his right cheek I decided to poke it.He started fucking blushing that was so cute."you look adorable when you blush so cuuute!!",he hide his face with the sweater I lend him.He didn't notice his top lift up a bit woah nice body he has there,I put my cold palm on his hip just for the heck of it.He yelp ,the sound he made almost made me pee my pants."ROXY!!!why did you did that for!!",I was too busy laughing that I didn't notice he started tickling me."I CAN'T BREATHE!!!",he tickle me even more why did he found my ticklish spot,my neck."that's what you get!! Your hands are damn cold!!",He stop finally , I was gasping for air at this moment.

I stayed away from him pouting I hate when people tickle my neck.
"I have to go now Rox can I text you??",I didn't response he flick my pout that son of a beach."fuck off I hate when people tickle my neck",I scoot away from him but he scoot even more."okay grumpy cat I'll leave now buh-bye"He left finally,the rain went back to a heavy drizzle.

I went back inside shit!! He took my favorite sweater!!! Damn it let me text him.

R:you better give me that sweater back mothrfker

A:Ima keep it it's so cofty I think I'll sleep in it and drool over it THEN give it back;)

R:don't even dare

A:no promises so long

That jerk better give me that sweater back it's my favorite if he doesn't I swear I'll stock him and barge into his room and grab it myself.

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