-8-Unfriendly Memories

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Heads up long chapter and extra note the end.Not edited.

My life was so simply , so dull till I met Alex.Now there is not a day he doesn't come to my place he even barges into my room at times.Once I was peacefully laying on my back  working on my book than this dude jump onto my back and you know what that fool just said?? 'hi' but with that cute smile of his,I couldn't stay mad at him.

We were both currently watching beetlejuice and both eating straight out a cookies n cream tub.We were so into the movie I didn't notice it was 12am he usually leaves around 10 or 11."dude it getting late I'm having fun but your parents are gonna get mad",he pouted than smirk."can I stay over?? I'll sleep in the carpet??",he had the puppy eyes and pouty lip ugh Alex why are you so cute!! My mom was fine if Scar stays over she knows her and her mom too but Alex I'm not sure wait are my parents even here?"I have to check if my parents are here and ask for permission",he tackle me into a hug than push me off,"than what are you waiting for go ask",he push me towards the door desperate much.

I look around my house and my parents weren't here weird.I went to my sis room and she was there thanks god."hey sis",she look up her phone and made a peace sign that's our silent 'hello' to each other."where's mom and dad??","you forgot didn't you?? Dad had another job in McAllen they won't be back till Sunday",yessss they aren't here!!"Nani would you mine if a friend stays over",She looked hesitant at first but she release a breath that's a good sign.
"I'll keep it secret just cause I own ya bunch who is it??",I check on Alex he was laying stomach down on my bed with earphones on he wouldn't notice my sister.I signal her to my room.We stayed by the door she looked shock at first but than smile."seems your type have fun you guys not too much",We both chuckle awww I use to tell her the same when she was my age tear.

I enter quietly to my room and jump on Alex.He yelp in surprise but chuckle when I hug him by his neck."bring your Jammies and your ruby duck you're staying the night my fren","WOOOOHOO wannna piggyback ride??",I smirk and jump in his back."TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!!!","wanna go to my house with me?? Need to get some things plus my mom will luv ya so what you say??",I put my finger on my chin and pretend to think.
"Sure let's get going before it gets too late wait lend me your sweater and get my sandals",he did as told and we head to his place with me on his back.

He open the door and call on his mom."wait here my dad is working so it's ok",I nodded and look around seems like a nice house cozy.Awhile later he came back with a tall lean women she look really pretty perfect cheek bones and Hazel eyes ,now I know from where he got the looks.I try to show a good first impression and introduce myself."hi mem I'm Roxanne your son's close friend nice to meet ya and you're really pretty",she chuckle."she's a keeper I'm Emma you can call me Em sweety hope you guys enjoy ur selfs",I nodded she left not before whisper something to Alex.His cheeks were bright red I kiss one of them and I heard an Aww from the kitchen.He grab my hand and lead me to his room I think.

"Welcome to Alex's paradise
you can look around while I grab my stuff",I nodded.His room was really cool full of posters of many bands and the walls were a deep gray I love gray.His bedroom actually look like mine but instead of the walls blue and everything else gray it was the other way around wow we even like the same colors nice."ready to go?? I'm all pack",I hop on his back again."IM READY TO GO OOOOOH!!!",we left singing but not before saying bye to his mom.

We enter my room and he drop me on the bed."Ima change you can go to the restroom Alex",he nodded and left.I grab my bat man and batgirl pjs and a black tank top.Five minutes later Alex came from the restroom my mouth gape open we were matching same bottom and same top.We pat each other's back snap our fingers than point to each other and said 'My girl' and 'My boy'.

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