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Scar wanted to hangout today so we decided to go out maybe get some ice cream or something."Get ready Roxy we're going out for ice cream let's see what you got in your closet",I didn't feel like going out or even getting dress but someone barge into my room and made me get ready to go."stitch or panic! Sweatshirt?? Wait where's the sweatshirt that you love so much the gray one with the black lines that has an 87 in it??","yeah I bough it cause it has my babes year and I don't know maybe somewhere around there just give me the stitch one",she trew it to my face I slid it onto my blue panic! tank top."blue or black converse??","blue hand me the black leggings while you are at it",she shove me to the restroom to change.

"Hey Roxy who's Lex?? He just texted you",shit!! I panicked and tackle her before she reads anymore messages."no one just a friend",she raise an eyebrow."it's a guy I met at hot topic that's all",she cross her arms meaning she needs more info this chick."ugh let's get going"

Her sis pick us up and we went to this ice cream shop at the mall.We took our usual table and her sis order our favorites."What have you been up to Roxy?? Anything new you may want to tell me??",If I tell her about Alex I know she'll do anything to get us together or do something stupid."nah nothing new how bout you??found your Prince Charming yet??",she sighed dreamily here it comes.She talk about this dude that was nice to her blah blah blah they exchange numbers and I didn't listen to the rest I was trying to figure out this guy that look kinda like Alex dark longish hair swept to one side and wearing a very familiar sweater.
"Roxy are you even listening to me!!",He never turn around darn it.
"Oh yeah I was",My eyes were dry forgot to blink when I was staring at this guy."you know what I'm going to the restroom"

Scar's sis came back with our ice creams but she left again cause this friend of her's just pass the ice cream parlor.I was humming 'Death of a Bachelor' till I felt something tickle my neck.I was about to scratch it when I heard an Ow from behind me I turn around and met with no other than"Hey Rox",Alex." I KNEW IT WAS YOU!!! I KNOW IM NOT THAT INSANE AND YOU ARE WEARING MY DAMN-"He put a whole scoop of my cookies n cream ice cream on my mouth to shut me up.That kinky shit got the spoon out of my mouth and put it in his."kinky much you like indirect kisses I see",he ate my rest of the ice cream and wink at me damn he look hot doing that.I barely notice he has really cute eyes they are hazel!!! How in the world haven't I notice before and that smile damn this guy is really cute and I barely notice!!!

"Hey hey Roxy?? Rox!!",Wow too focus on Alex's pretty eyes that I didn't notice I was staring at him like a freak."you're back to earth why were you spacing out this time??",He had an amused smile on his face he had a great jawline and to top it all off a great smile."would you stop staring at me!! You're creeping me out !!",I went out of my daze and my eyes widened when I saw Scarlett coming our way.I grab Alex by his collar and made him go under my sit."wha-","shut it!! And stay there Hey Scar you took so long-","and goodnight",I heard Alex whisper and I kick him getting an ow ha." our ice creams are melt how about you go order another one??",she was about to protest against it but I push her to the order booth.I went back for Alex I grab him by his collar and rush to the exit."if Scarlett sees you she's gonna make a big ass deal cause you are a cute guy that I'm talking too-,"did you just call me cute??",he smirk,"yeah whatever get going talk to ya later"That was a close one I don't want Scar to meet him just yet.

Scar came back with our ice cream.I can finally eat my ice cream in peace."dude I remember yesterday I was you know just chillin on the living room than my brother just comes and starts to sing the intro to Welcome to the black parade and I crack up when he even did the guitars noises I do it was so hila-he's still here!!",Alex was still outside he point to something on him that I didn't catch."Who's still here??",she look where Alex was but thankfully he hide behind someone."no one just that random dude hasn't leave yet,oops",I 'accidentally' drop her phone to the floor I know shitty move but I need to get Alex out if here I signal him to get out but he still stay there and pointed to himself what does he want.
"Thanks for dropping my phone Roxy",while she check for a scratch I signal Alex to the phone so could text him.

R:What are you still doing here!!

A:I was gonna give you your sweater since you seem to love it so much

R:I'm a jacket slut what can I say ;)

A:whatever can I go to your house later so I could give it back??

R:not today Scarlett is going to my place after we leave maybe tomorrow okay now go cause I want to leave already you better not follow me

A:No promises suga ;)

This guy is impossible your own fault for giving him your number.Hope he doesn't follow me or worst go to my house.

It all started with a Band Tee Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora