The Abused Girl chapter 18

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The abused girl chapter 18:

Jeff’s P.O.V:

After me and jade went for the take out, we headed back to the cabin. Something inside me is screaming that there’s something wrong. I shrugged it off for now, and concentrated on the road. I took a sly look at jade, to see her quickly avert her gaze off of me. I grinned at her and shook my head lightly.

“And what do you find so amusing?” she mocked me, making me laugh some more.

“You...I find you amusing, don’t think that I didn’t see you staring at me.”

“F.Y.I, I wasn’t staring as you put it, I was glaring at you, and I shall do it as much as I like because I rule ha-ha...anyway, what’s with the bad vibe hanging off you? I can cut the atmosphere with a knife, the tensions that bad. Have I done something to upset you?” she pouted at me, how could she ever do something wrong? Seriously, she’s like a female goddess that never could do wrong. If only she knew how I thought of her. I contemplated telling her before quickly changing my mind. How much of a fool could I be, thinking that me, would have any chance with her; especially if she’s with that moron Jason!

“That bad vibe is nothing, or maybe it is something...I just don’t get what it could be. The closer to the cabin we get, the worse that feeling becomes. It’s like there’s a secret that’s being hidden that we don’t know about.” I sighed, as jade put her warm, comforting hand on my arm.

“Hey, don’t get yourself worked up Jeff, I think it may be because we’re all alone out here, and were under a lot of stress and strain looking after that horrible witch back at the cabin. I suggest a massage”

I grinned at her “yeah? Well how about when we get back we make our excuses and-“I was quickly shut up by a slap around the head.

“Hey! What was that for? It was your idea after all”

“Yes! A massage, not whatever naughtiness you had in mind” she chuckled, turning to look out of the car window.

We pulled up the dirt track leading to the run down cabin, it was only now that I fully realised that this place was so secluded, that even an escape artist wouldn’t get away that easy. It really was run down as well; if the cabin was repaired, the scenario would be a nice place to be. The ever growing ivy that wrapped itself on to the cabin was a site to look at, the wild flowers that grew was a really spectacular colour of purples, yellows and pinks. The shrubbery and trees was thick around the outer edges but spacious going towards the log cabin. Finally we pulled up at the run down place; I turned the engine off and looked at jade.

“You know that I’ll hold you to that massage? I’m very fussy and don’t plan on letting you stop until all the knots are out of my entire body” she gave me a mischievous look and a flirtatious smile, I was dazzled.

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