Chapter Eighteen

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“Really, Albus, how was Cairo?”

            Albus, who’d been staring out the window of the Hogwarts Express, turned to his friend. His blue eyes lit up. He’d only just gotten back from Egypt the day before, and it was hard to believe his sixth year at Hogwarts was already over. “It was really unbelievable. So many famous alchemists were there—and you’ll never guess who I met there.”

            Elphias made a face. “Who?”

            Albus leaned in. “Nicolas Flamel.”

            Elphias’s eyes widened. “No.”




            “You lucky bastard!” Elphias shouted, laughing and leaning back. “You actually met him? Not just saw him there and waved and begged for an autograph?”

            “He’s the one who gave me my award,” Albus said with a grin, motioning towards the gold medal he was wearing around his neck. “We had a good long conversation, too.”

            “Was he all wrinkly?” Elphias asked, and Albus stared at him in confusion. “I mean, being as old as he is—”

            “He did not look like a five-hundred and seventy year-old man, if that’s what you’re asking me,” Albus interrupted with a chuckle. The window was open, and the breeze that came through it blew some of Albus’s auburn hair into his face. He was pushing it away, readjusting his glasses as he did so, when something fat and feathery burst through the window.

            Elphias screamed and flattened himself against the seat, and Albus jumped so that his glasses became crooked and his head smacked against the wall behind him.

            “Ouch!” he shouted, his hand moving to rub his aching head and the other to reposition his glasses. He turned to see a chubby barn owl perched on the seat beside him, with an envelope in its beak.

            “I’m really getting sick of these things,” Elphias said, his breathing slowing down and his shoulders relaxing again.

            Albus pulled the letter from the bird’s beak and found it was addressed to him. “It’s from Bathilda Bagshot.”

            Elphias’s eyes widened again. “The author?”

            “Yes, her,” Albus said, opening it. “She’s a neighbor of mine.”

            “How is it we’ve been best friends for almost six years now, and you never told me you live next to Bathilda Bagshot?”

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