Chapter Seven

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Light poured into the Dumbledore boys’ room, making them groan with aggravation, blocking their eyes with their arms.

            “Rise and shine, boys,” Kendra said pleasantly, the curtains she’d thrown open dangling behind her. “Today’s a big day, Albus.”

            Albus shot up in bed. “Hogwarts!”

            Aberforth followed his example. “You’re leaving today!”

            “I know!” he said, swinging out of his bed to Kendra, who already held out a bundle of clothes for him to put on. Taking it, he thanked her and started to change, while Aberforth rushed around to find Albus’s wand. Taking it, he whispered, “Hazel wood, unicorn hair—”

            Albus reached over his brother and plucked the wand from his hands, adding, “Thirteen and a quarter inches.”

            “I want you to show me a spell when you get back at Christmas!” Aberforth said, following Albus as he left the room and rushed down the stairs. “You’ll have to write about everything!”

            “I will,” Albus said, seating himself at the dining table, where Kendra had already set out a plate of cakes drowned in maple syrup.

            Aberforth fixed him with a stare. “Promise?”

            Albus nodded, his mouth full of cake. Swallowing, he said, “Promise, Ab.”

            Aberforth beamed and hopped into his own chair, digging into his own plate of cakes, when little Ariana skipped into the dining area wearing a blue dress.

            “Good morning, Ariana,” Albus greeted as she sat down beside Aberforth and Kendra came down the stairs behind them.

            “Good morning, Albus,” Ariana said with a smile, getting onto her knees on the chair and waiting for Kendra to give her a plate. “Good morning, Aberforth.”

            “Morning,” Aberforth muttered, keeping his eyes on the rapidly disappearing cakes.

            “Alright, Albus, finish up your cakes,” Kendra said, holding out a napkin for him. “We have to get to King’s Cross.”

            “What time is it?” Albus asked, taking the napkin and wiping his face.

            “Ten thirty,” she replied.

            His eyes widened. “Why didn’t you wake us earlier?”

            “You boys were up far past midnight just trying to decide what to wear for your first day, Albus,” Kendra said, taking his plate, “So I let you sleep in. You’re welcome, by the way.”

            Albus hurried around the table and up the stairs, coming back down seconds later with his luggage. “The train leaves at eleven, doesn’t it? We can’t be late!”

            “That’s what Floo Powder is for, darling,” Kendra said.

            “But even then we’ll have to walk to King’s Cross from the closest Floo Powder station, and that’s a good fifteen minute walk, and we’ll have to find the right platform, and—”

            “Albus, would you like to leave?” Kendra interrupted calmly.

            “Very much so, Mum.” He stood by the fireplace, holding his bags at his side, tapping his foot anxiously.

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