Not Anything Important;-;

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This isn't anything important so if you don't wanna read this, you don't have to. Gone yet? No? Well that's weird.

Anyway, this page/chapter/thingy is just gonna be where you can ask me questions.

If it's about the book or something related to that, I'll probably answer right away.

If it's a ~personal~ question (ex: What's your real name? How many friends do you have?) You get the gist. But if you have a ~personal~ question you ask me, I'll wait till I meet a certain milestone to answer it. So basically I'm asking for questions that I can answer in the future.

If that even makes sense. So yeah. This wasn't anything special so you can probably skip over it, I don't really care.

But in other news, I have an Instagram. Yay. My name is basically the same it's just @fairyslayer_7 or FairySlayer 7 I don't know which one you can use to find me but yeah. Ok that's all.

Stay Fabulous!

Red Ribbon (Nalu AU)Where stories live. Discover now