CH 4- Begin Again

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"Your majesty, are you willing to take the Oath?"
After months of grieving, the time had come for Uni to become the new Queen. Everyone was joined in the cathedral room of the castle, watching Uni take his oath. Uni was still mourning, solemn even months after the tragedy. His siblings and friends were sitting in the front row, smiling at him warmly. The large stained glass window at the front of the cathedral shined a deep orange glow over the seated guests attending the ceremony. Uni had requested that not too many people attend, but there were still at least a hundred people seated, staring up at their future queen.
Queen Eve's main advisor (a role that in Tranek was more of a close friend who the queen trusts rather than another politician) decided that, as a final gift to the late queen, she would be the one to swear in Uni as the next queen. Summer, who was always more of an aunt to Uni than just his mom's advisor, was retiring with Queen Eve's death, but she wouldn't give up her job without one last gift.
Uni smiled softly, raised his head, and said, "I am willing."
"Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the united peoples of Tranek, and its subdivisions Tran, Comics, Riku, Scape, and Res, and any future Territories acquired in the course of your reign, according to their respective laws, customs, and beliefs?"
"I solemnly promise to do so."
"Will you treat equally Humans, Anims, and Betweeners in any judgement pertaining to the law or to the kingdom, regardless of their past actions or your previous judgements?"
"I will."
"Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgements?"
"I will."
"Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of Equality, founded many years ago by early kingdoms, and the true importance of forgiveness? Will you to the utmost of your power maintain in the Kingdom of Tranek the belief of faith in those who protect, and those who establish and preserve the law? Will you maintain and preserve the settlement of those powers weaker than you, and the generosity, kindness, equity, and support that rulers before you have given to those who are in need of help? And will you preserve the peacekeepers, warriors, creators, and artists who benefit our society, and keep their jobs from ever being unneeded?"
"All this I promise to do. The things which I have here before promised, I will perform, in the name of the rulers before me, in the name of those who have given themselves up for the sake of peace, and in the name of the peace that belongs to everyone in this kingdom."
"Then," Summer smiled, "Take this jewel, the Pendant of Decades. It has been passed down from ruler to ruler, and symbolizes a connection to the good deeds of the past."
She passed a sky blue pendant to Uni, which he attached to the front of his dress.
"Take this crown, the Ruler's Faith. It has been remade from the remnants of Queen Eve's crown by a small blacksmith shop, and symbolizes the faith your subjects should hold in you as you change our world. Please kneel."
Uni kneeled down in front of Summer, his back facing the audience.
Summer's voice strengthened and her eyes misted over as she held the crown up and fit it to Uni's head.
"Wear this crown, the crown of the faithful, of the forgiving, of the many who will always be by your side, with pride, as you move forwards with this new chapter of your life and the life of our kingdom. May you build upon the foundation of this land in a way that makes it stand forever, and may you be remembered for millennia after your rule."
She offered him a hand up, and he stood and turned to look at the crowd, awe, joy, and happiness shining off their faces. He smiled out at them, his eyes watering.
"Good people of Tranek, I present to you Queen Uni!"

AN: There will be more of the good stuff coming! However, this chapter and some in the future, although not having much action, will be necessary to advance the plot. They may also be used to introduce new characters, although not all of them will be necessary in the future.
Hope you enjoyed!

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