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(Here we go with chapter 15. Thos story has made awesome progress. The phinabella ship began earlier than I had planned but eh. Anyway. Leave feedback and enjoy the read.)

Phineas P.O.V

Phineas was the first to wake up with a smile on his face as he crawled out of his orange sleeping bag.

'I kissed Isabella.' He thought as he walked into the kitchen while rethinking about last night.

He glanced over at the clock in the kitchen as he turned on the lights.

The clock read 6:30 A.M as he opened the fridge and pulled out some eggs.

'Nothing like a good breakfast.' He thought as he began to cook at the stove.

He looked down at the stove and he was disturbed from his thoughts when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

He looked over at the hand and then over at the person who it belonged to and he looked to see Isabella's smiling face.

He returned her smile. "Hello there Izzy."

She tilted her head and said her catchphrase. "Whatch'a doin?" She asked her.

'She is cute when she does that.' He thought as he looked down at the eggs. "Cooking breakfast for all us before we begin."

"Phineas about last night..." she stopped as he raised up a hand stopping her.

"We will talk about last night later Izzy. I promise. Just give me a little time to think." He said as he smiled at her before going back to cooking the eggs.

She nodded in understanding as smiled. "Anything you need right now for breakfast?" She asked him.

"Yes. Can you please set the table?" He asked as he began to cook beans and bacon for breakfast.

"Of course." She said as she began to do so with her own thoughts flying through her head.

10 minutes later and all the food was cooked. The table set. And Buford, Baljeet and Ferb were all already sitting at the table.

Isabella placed the pan of beans and Phineas placed the pan of eggs on the table. Then the bacon followed by the toast was placed as well.

Phineas then sat down at the table and Isabella sat down next to them.

Isabella's P.O.V

She looked over at Phineas with a smile then over to the rest of the gang.

"Looks good dinner bell." Buford said as he began to place eggs on his plate.

"Thanks Buford. Nothing like a good breakfast to start the day."

"So." Said Baljeet. "How did it go for you and Isabella last night?"

The question caused a smile and a blush to come to both of their faces and Isabella looked over at Phineas. 'What will he say?' She thought to herself.

"That my friend is a talk for another time." He said as he began to serve himself food.

Isabella turned her attention to the food as everyone began to eat.

"So dinner bell. Will you finally tell us what we are gonna do today?" Buford said through a mouth full of eggs.

"Yes I will tell you now." Phineas said as all heads turned towards him.

"I was inspired by the Up movie so we are gonna build a house. Nothing big. Just a decent sized house. Attach the required about of balloons and fly around in it for the day." Phineas said with a smile.

"That sounds completely amazing Phineas." Isabella said as she ran her hands through her currently unbrushed hair.

"Yes it does." Said Baljeet in agreement and Ferb nodded with a thumbs up.

"Great. I'm glad you all approve." Phineas said. The rest of breakfast was eatten with little talk to finish as quickly as possible.

After breakfast Ferb and Baljeet took their showers and got dressed while Isabella and Phineas stayed to clean up the kitchen.

Phineas was washing the dishes and she was drying them when Isabella decided to speak.

"Phineas. I just wanted to tell you that I couldn't have asked for a better first kiss."

He stopped for a second as he processed what he just heard before responding. "I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did then." He said as he gave her a small smile before going back to the dishes.

'He liked it too.' She thought with a smile as they finished up.

It became their turn to take showers in the two available bathrooms while Ferb and Baljeet checked Phineas blueprints and calculations.

The time was now 7:45 as construction of this other house began. To speed up the construction Phineas brought out the bots of him and Ferb.

Construction began with the foundation not attached to the ground but strong enough to support the weight of the house.

Everyone had a job. Buford's was to fill the balloons with helium and tie them down somewhere. The bots did most of the construction but Ferb also helped as well. Phineas was overseeing the construction while also planning the course of the house with Isabella and Baljeet was calculating the amount of balloons.

"Phineas and Ferb. What are you all doing?" Candace said as she walkes out of the house and over to Phineas.

"Hello Candace. We are building a house and then gonna attach balloons to the house like up. Wanna come?"

"No I don't want to come. Jeremy is coming over." She said as she turned around and walked back into the house while whispering to herself. "Resist the erge to bust." Over and over earning a laugh out of Isabella.

"Normally those talks end with her saying that she's gonna tell mom." Phineas said as he went back to his map.

At exactly 11 am the house was completed and Ferb was in their self driving car as it drove itself into the garage of their house. The balloons were already attached and the only thing keeping the house from flying was the tree it was tied to.

The house was a two bedroom two story house. It had a garage, kitchen, living room and two bathrooms. The house was small compared to the Flynn-fletcher house but it would suit the needs of the 5 people.

"Dinner bell. Tell me again why we are bringing the car." Buford said as he admired the house.

"In case we decide to land anywhere and drive around for a bit." Phineas said in reply.

"So. If everyone is ready let's get inside." Phineas said as the garage closed and the remaining four walked into the house. The front door was closed and locked.

"Buford. Prepare to release the house." Phineas said as he got behind a steering wheel one would find on a older ship.

Buford did as wss asked and he grabbed the rope keeping the house tied to the tree. 

"Release." Phinease said.

Buford did and the house was free from the tree and now rising into the sky. And so another adventure begun.

(The end of chapter 15. I had meant to include the actual adventure in this chapter as well but it took me longer to get this far than I thought. Enjoy the phinabella ship and chapter 16 will be out soon.)

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