Above the clouds

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(Here we go with chapter 16. Hope you all are enjoying it so far. Leave a vote and some feedback. Anyway. On to the read.)

Isabella's P.O.V

She was currently looking out the window in the living room standing next to Phineas as the house rose above the clouds.

"Phineas this is amazing. The view from here is completely wondeful." She said as she pressed her hands against the glass.

"Indeed it is Izzy." He replied to her with a smile as he let go of the steering wheel.

"So. Where are we going?" She asked him as he took a few steps back from the window.

"Where ever the wind takes us." He replied.

"But what about the map? You planned out a course." Isabella said as she sat down at one of couches.

"Yes I did but then I decided it be best to just go with the flow. Makes things more interesting." He said as he layed across the other couch.

"Hey dinner bell. What happens should we lose the balloons?" Buford asked as he walked down the stairs.

"We won't lose all of them at once and there are extra so we can afford to lose a few on our journey. I also stored more tanks og helium and balloons should we need to make more."

Buford who was satisfied walked off to the kitchen. "Where are you going?" Isabella asked.

"Kitchen. It's time for lunch. Anyone else want anything?" Isabella looked over at Phineas who ended up shaking his head.

"No thanks. Not hungry at the moment." Phineas said as he turned to look at the stairs and he waved.

'Who's he waving to?' Isabella thought as she turned to see Ferb. 'Of course it's Ferb. That's why I didn't hear him.' She thought as she waves at him too

He returned the waves before pointing at Phineas. Then at himself. Then he pointed up. 'What.' She thought as she didn't understand Ferb.

"You want to talk with me upstairs?" Phineas asked as he stood up earning a nod from Ferb.

"Alright Ferb. We can talk." And with that Phineas followed Ferb up the stairs.

Phineas P.O.V

'I wonder what Ferb wants.' Phineas thought as he followed Ferb into onr of the rooms. Phineas leaned against a wall as Ferb closed and locked the door.

Phineas was gonna question him about it but decided not to and waited for Ferb to speak.

"You kissed Isabella last night didn't you?" Ferb asked.

"Wh...what. How did you... Yes. Yes I kissed Isabella last night. How did you know?" Phineas said as his cheeks reddened slightly.

"How both of you reacted when asked about last night. Plus Isabella had the biggest smile most of the day."

"Fair enough Ferb. Is this what you wanted to talk about?"

Ferb nodded. "Have you talked things over with her?"

After Phineas shook his head Ferb spoke again.

"You better do it soon. Girls are impatient about stuff like this. Expecially that girl." He said pointing downstairs meaning Isabella.

"What do you mean by that?" Phineas questioned.

"You'll understand soon Phineas. Get downstairs now before Isabella misses you even more." And with that Ferb opened the door and walked down the stairs.

Phineas followed shortly after many thoughts going on in his already busy mind.

Phineas walked over to the living room looking out the window.

"Anyone hungry now?" Buford asked as he opened a bag of chips.

Ferb nodded as Baljeet walked into the room. "Food?"

"Fine." Phineas said as he turned around with a chuckle. "We can eat now." He said as he walked into the kitchen.

Phineas then pulls out a loaf of bread. Slices of ham and cheese. A bag of chips and 5 cans of coke.

"Nothing to fancy." Phineas says as everyone begina to make their own sandwich.

Phineas looked out the window again while eating his sandwich. Isabella walked over with her sandwich as well.

"Hey Phineas. Whatch'a doin?" She asked.

He looked over at her with a smile. "Thinking, eating, and looking." He said as he took another bite of his sandwich.

After finishing his sandwich Phineas looked at Isabella before holding out his hand to her.

She smiled as she took it and he began to lead her to the stairs.

"Where are we going Phineas?" She asked as they walked up the stairs hand in hand.

"Just follow me." He said as he led her into the same room he talked to Ferb in earlier.

She sat on the bed as he closed the door and then sat next to her on the bed.

Isabella's P.O.V

She smiled at him as he sat down next to her. 'I wonder what this is about.' She thought.

"What did you think about last night Isabella?"

"About the kiss or the date?" She asked as her smile grew bigger.

"The kiss Isabella. I want to know what you thought about the kiss." He said as he nervously ran a hand through his hair.

She chuckled at his nervousness. 'He's cute when he's nervous.' She thought.

"Phineas. I thought it was wonderful and to be honest with you I've had a crush on you for years. I've wanted to kiss you for so long but I was always afraid that you wouldn't like or that something else would go wr..." she was stopped again when Phineas pressed his lips to hers yet again for another kiss.

Her mind lost its thoughts as she kissed back.

After a few seconds he broke the kiss again and he looked at her with a smile. "You done?" He asked her with a chuckle.

She just nodded slowly as her cheeks turned red.

"Alright. I can speak now. I have been having feelings for you for some time now. But me being me I had no idea what I was feeling. I was able to understand it with a little help from Ferb and now I understand what I am feeling and now you know what I am feeling." He said. "I may not be the best guy when it comes to romance or feelings but I am getting there."

With that grabbed her hand. Kissed her cheek and stood up.

"Now. I have only 1 question for you. Is this better than Phineas land?" He asked her and her cheeks quickly turned red again.

"Wh...what? H..how do you k..know?" She said stuttering through the entire sentence.

"I have my ways." He said as he gave her hand a light squeeze.

She just nodded slowly. "Yes it was." She said as she looked down at their hands then up at his face.

"What does this make us?" She asked him very curious about his answer.

"Together." He said and she understood with a smile.

(There we go. Decided to again stretch out this adventure and the phinabella ship has sailed. Enjoy the ship

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