The first day of highschool Pt.3

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(Here is chapter 13. Again putting it into parts makes it faster to produce chapters for you all. Enjoy the read and leave feedback. And to make it clear. "These are for talking. 'These are for thoughts of the character who's P.O.V the chapter is currently in.)

Isabella's P.O.V

Isabella was stuck in her thoughts as she walked in between Phineas and Ferb to their biology class.

'I wonder if he understand what I let slip.' She thought as the entered into the classroom.

The classroom had white walls with tables meant for a max of 2. There were 3 rows with 5 tables in each row. All over the walls were chessy scientific puns and Isabella couldn't help but giggle as she read a few of them.

Phineas walked to currently empty table in the third row. Ferb walked past that table and sat behind him next to Irving. Isabella saw the look Ferb sent her way and she returned it with a smile as she sat down next to Phineas.

'Let's see how this class goes.' Isabella said mentally as a man with a slouch and a lab coat walked to the front of the class.

"Good morning class. My name is Heinz Doofenshmirtz. But you all can just call me Heinz. I hope everyone likes where they are sitting because that is your assigned seat for this semester.

A squeal was heard throughout the class and Phineas turned to Isabella thinking it was her but she just returned the look.

"Wasn't me this time." She said as the same person squealed again and Isabella turned to see that is Irving and that Ferb had just hit his hand against his forehead.

"I'll pray for you Ferb." Isabella said which got a laugh out of Phineas as she turned her attention to a now slightly annoyed Doofenshmirtz.

"This isn't preschool boy. Act your age." Heinz said as he looked at the stack of papers on his desk. He grabbed them and he began to pass them around.

"This is the class syllabus. I want you all to read it, love it and name it. There will be a test on this syllabus on Friday." Heinz said which earned a groan from most of the class.

"Oh complaints already. I could move it tomorrow. Is that better?" He said which caused the rest of the class to shake their heads.

"That's what I thought. Now follow along." Heinz said as he begun to read it out loud.

The class soon ended and the students poured out into the crowded hallway from the crowded classroom.

"Well Izzy next is English with Buford." He said to her and she couldn't help but smile as he used her nickname for her.

"See you later Ferb." Isabella said as Ferb turned and walked down a different hall.

Isabella and Phineas walked into their third period and they sat at a group of 4 desks.

Buford walked in and sat down across from them. "Dinner bell. Isabella." Buford said

"Buford." Both of them said at the same time.

The teacher walked into the classroom and silence fell as she began handing out the syllabus.

Attendance was called and soon she began to read as well

Phineas P.O.V

Before he knew it the school day has come to an end and Phineas was walking out of the art class with Isabella and Baljeet.

The group of three teens walked through the crowded hall towards the front of the school.

Once the group exited the school the 3 of them sat on one of the outside benches waiting for Ferb and Baljeet.

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