The last week of summer Pt.2

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(Here we go with the second chapter. The first chapter concluded with the gang and Phineas and Ferb's parents leaving to have a vacation before high school begins.)
Phineas P.O.V

The van was driving down the street away from the Flynn-fletcher house. Linda was up front talking with Lawrence about the stops they'd do for food and bathroom. Baljeet and Buford were having another argument. Baljeet was asking Buford to move over and Buford just kepts saying no. Ferb had Perry on his lap. Phineas was looking out the window thinking of what they would and what they could do. And of course Isabelle was trying to think of a way to start a conversation with Phineas.

Linda turned back to look at everyone. "Are you all ready to begin highschool next week?"

A quick round of yeses went around the van.

"That's good. Do you think you all will do good in high school?" Linda askes again.

"Well of course Phineas will do well. He's so smart." Isabella said a little to quickly. Phineas turned to look at Isabella with a smile and a very faint blush. 'Why am I blushing?' He thought to himself as he began to reply. "Thanks Isabella. You'll do well as well." He said as he turned back to the window with his thoughts.

"I'll do fine." Buford said. "I have my nerd." He said causing a few chuckles to go through the van. Baljeet just let out a sigh and Ferb gave a thumbs up.

"Where is Candace at?" Isabella asked to no in particular.

"She is staying over at Stacy's." Phineas said to her as he grabbed the bag of snacks and he pulled out a small bag of chips.

"Isn't it to early for chips Phineas?" Isabella asked with a chuckle.

"It's never to early for some chips Izzy." He said as he bit into a chip. "Besides I'm a growinf boy." He said as Isabella chuckles again.

"Mom. How are the sleeping arrangements gonna work?" Phineas asked Linda.

"We are gonna have 3 rooms. Buford and Baljeet in one." Baljeet let out another sigh as Buford chuckled. "You and Ferb will be in a second one. And your dad and I will be in the third room with Isabella." Phineas nodded in response and he thought he saw Isabella's fall but only breifly so he dismissed it as his imagination.

He ran his free hand through his orange hair as he offered Isabella some of his chips. She took a chip. "Thanks." She said as she chewed it snd swalled it.

"Why don't we play I spy?" She asked looking at Phineas then at the 3 behind them. "Sure." "Why not." And a nod from Ferb. She smiled.

"I'll go first." She said as she looked at Phineas as he looked out the window again. "I spy with my little eye something red." She said.

"That red car?" Phineas asked as he pointed to the parked car on the side of the road.

She shook her head with her smile still on her face. "Phineas' hair." Ferb said more as a statement than a question. Isabella's cheeks flushes and she nodded. "Y..yes. Good job Ferb." She said to him.

Phineas just chuckled as he looked at her. "My hair eh." He said as he looked her as he cheeks darkened a bit more. "Your turn Ferb."

"Green." Ferb stated and everyone began to look for something green in and outside the car.

And so the game continued for almost 2 hours.

2 hours later Buford fell asleep with his head against the window. Baljeet was reading a book. Ferb was looking at a few older blueprints. Linda was asleep in her chair. Phineas was looking outside the window again with some earphones in his ears. Isabella was falling asleep when her head landed against Phineas' shoulder. He moved slightly in surprise and he removed the ear phone from one ear and he turned to her. "Isab..." he stopped himself when he noticed she was asleep and he decided to let her sleep as he blushed again slightly. 'Again. Since when do I blush? Now I'm doing it twice in one day.' He thought as he went back to listening to his music.

A thought crossed his mind and he opened his phone and went to the camera and he quickly took a picture of him and the sleeping Isabella. He set his phone down and he paid attention to his music and the view outside the window of the open plains, telephone lines, and animals.

Another half hour later he felt himself falling asleep and before he knew it his eyes closed and he fell asleep his head against Isabella's.

Ferbs P.O.V

Ferb looked down at the sleeping Perry on his lap and he looked up to see the sleeping Isabella and Phineas. He smirked as he pulles out his phone and he angled it so he could include both of them and himseld doing a thumbs up.

Phineas P.O.V

Phineas awoke to the feeling of being shaken and he opened his eyes to see Ferb shaking up. "We are getting lunch." He said as he looked at Phineas then looked at the sleeping Isabella next to Phineas

Phineas follwed Ferb's eyes and that's when he noticed the position of Isabella's sleeping head against his shoulder and his head against hers. He moved his head and he put one hand on his her shoulder as he began to blush slightly. 'Annoying confusing emotions.' He thought as he begun to shake Isabella. "Wake up Izzy. We are making a stop for lunch." She just repositioned herself and her head fell against his chest. Phineas' cheeks darkened a bit more as Ferb winked at Phineas with a chuckle. "Isabella." He said again as he kept shaking her again. "Wake up."

Isabella's eyes opened and she looked up at the blushing face of Phineas. "Whatch'a do..." she was about to say but stopped herself when she noticed her position against him. She smiled as she looked up at him and her cheeks darkened as well to the point of putting a tomato to shame.

She moved her head off of his chest slowly as the blush fadded from their cheeks. "We there already?" She asked?

"No. We are stopping for lunch." He turned to look out the window. "Dairy Queen it looks like." Phineas told her.

She nodded as she began to climb out of the van with Phineas following. Ferb was waiting for them both to get out before closing the door to the van.

"Sleep well?" He asked them. He watches them start to blush again and Ferb took off to the Dairy Queen with Isabella and Phineas trailing slowly behind.

Phineas looked down at his watch the time reading 2:00. They were only halfway there and Phineas had lost track of the amount of times he'd blushed and the conflicting emotions and thoughts did nothing to help. He pushed it out of his head as he and Isabella walked into the fast food restaurant.

(This is the end of part 2. This will have many parts before high school begins for them. Another chapter done today. Keep your eye out for a possible third and tell me what you all think about thia developing story.

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