The last week of summer Pt.7

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(Hello again and this chapter 7 to "Phineas and Ferb: Life" enjoy the read and comment.)

Phineas P.O.V

The elevator finally opened on the fourth floor and the group of five followed Phineas to the door marked 402.

Phineas inserted the card into the slot on the door and he opened the door. He looked down to see Perry.

"There you are Perry." He said as he picked up the platypus which responded with a "Ghrrrhrrr."

The rest of the people walked into the room and the door was closed by Baljeet. Phineas passed Perry over to Ferb.

After Ferb took Perry Phineas went and sat on the right side his bed. He looked over to see Isabella looking at him with a smirk. 'What's she smirking at?' He thought.

Before he could ask her Isabella took a little run and jumped onto the bed next to him. The jump surprised Phineas and it caused him to roll off the bed onto the floor.

This caused a series of laughs to go around the room and a chuckle from Isabella. Phineas sat up and he looked at Isabella while rubbing his head with his right hand. "Happy?" He asked her as she looked down at him from tbe top of the bed.

"Yes." She said with a smile as she tilted her head to the side sligntly.

'She really is cute.' He thought and when that thought registered in his head he gave his head a little shake as another thought came to his mind. 'Stupid conflicting emotions.' He thought as he stood up.

He gave Isabella a little push to move her slightly over and he layed back down on the bed next to her.

"So. Anyone have any ideas on what we can do today before lunch?" Phineas asked.

"Surprising question coming from you Phineas. You usually know what we are gonna do." Isabella said to Phineas earning a nod from Buford

"Yea well. It's 8am. We have lunch in 5 hours and this room doesn't have the room of our backyard for an extreme invention." Phineas said in reply earning a nod from Ferb this time.

A knock on the door interrupted the conversation and Buford got up and opened it.

"Hey Buford." Linda said. "Knowing you all, you all had breakfast by now. I stopped by to tell you that Lawrence and I are going to eat now."

"Alright mom." Phineas shouted from the bed and the door was closed after she walked away.

"So more movies, games, sleeping, etc?" Phineas asked the rest of the gang

It was quiet for a moment before Ferb raised his hand

"You don't need to raise your hand Ferb. We aren't in school yet." Phineas said with a chuckle.

"T or d?" Ferb suggested.

"The strip kind?" Buford asked resulting in Ferb shaking his head before holding up a bag of chocolates.

"I see what he is saying." Said Phineas. "We all get the same amount of chocolate. If we fail to complete our truth or dare we eat a chocolate. Once you are out you lose and the last one standing wins. Right Ferb?" Phineas said getting a nod from Ferb.

"Alright. We all down?"

A round of nods came from Buford, Baljeet and Isabella.

"Got nothing else to do currently." Baljeet said.

Ferb stood up and began to give everyone 10 pieces of chocolate before sitting down on his bed and giving himself his chocolate.

"Ferb. Your idea. You go first." Said Phineas.

Phineas and Ferb: LifeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant