Back to school dance. The actual dance.

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Here we go. I'm back again with another chapter. Sorry for being gone for so long I had stuff going on and now I actually have time so I'm back.

Anyway. Let's begin.)

Phineas P.O.V

The group of now six people walked into the gym. Phineas and Isabella, followed by Ferb and Vanessa, then Baljeet and last but not least Buford.

Isabella grabbed Phineas hand and he smiled as she led him to one to a table. The rest of the group followed the pair of teens to the table. Isabella sat down and Phineas sat next to her. Ferb pulled a chair out for Vanessa and he motioned for her to sit down next to Isabella. She gladly did so as Ferb pushed in her chair and he sat down next to her.

"Thanks Ferb." Vanessa said and he replied with a nod as the Buford and Baljeet joined the four at the table. Buford already had a plate of food. Pizza with a bowl of nachos.

"Really Buford." Phineas said. "Food already?"

"Yea. Got a problem with that dinnerbell?" Buford said which earned a laugh from Vanessa.

He just shook his head he began to look around the school gym. It was the first time they had began to look at the gym decorations since they got there. All the tables had a black table cloth with napkins on them for the students. By one of the exits was a photo booth. In the middle of the gym was the dance floor and against the wall was the DJ. There were dark red and white balloons all over the place as well.

After a minute of looking around Phineas turned to Isabella and he extended his hand to her. "May I have this dance lovely Izzy." He said to her with a smile. She returned his smile and placed her hand in his.

"Of course Phinny." She said as the pair of teens stood up and they walked to the dance floor.

Ferb's POV

Ferb watches as the two lovebirds walk off and he turns to Vanessa and he offers his hand to hers as he motions to the dance floor with his other hand. She accepted his hand and they walked off as well.

"See you later boys. Unless you both are gonna dance together." Vanessa said with a laugh to Buford and Baljeet.

Baljeet looked at Buford and raised an eyebrow towards Baljeet. Buford just glared and pushed Baljeet's head into the rest of his food.

"I'm getting a new plate." Buford said as he stood up and walked away from the table leaving Baljeet alone.

Ferb saw this and he chuckled slighlty as he and Vanessa joined Phinabella on the dance floor.

Phineas P.O.V

After half an hour of dancing both of the pairs of teens returned to table to find Baljeet looking at his phone and Buford still eating his food.

Phineas and Ferb left the table for food and returned moments later with Phineas holding the five cups of soda and Ferb balancing five plates. Two on each arm and the fifth on his head.

The plates and drinks were quickly handed out and Baljeet decided to speak.

"How did you balance all five of those plates Ferb?" Phineas answered for his brother. "Ferb can do a lot ot things Baljeet."

"Excuse me for forgetting you both were born with all the skills you needed in life." Buford said through a mouth full of pizza.

"Not born. We just have the determination to learn. Like how you have the determination to eat an entire box of pizza." Phineas said as he reclaimed his seat next to Isabella.

"Fair point." Said Buford as he took another bite into his pizza.

And so the night went. Food. Talking. Pictures and more dancing until the dance ended and everyone was taken home by the driving car. Well everyonr except Vanessa. She got home by her dad's Go-home-inator.

(And there we go. The end of the chapter and I've made my glorious return. I was glad to see the story was still alive and getting votes and reads while I was away. But you all can sleep well knowing that I'm back. Anyway. Drop a vote. Leave some feedback and the next chapter will be up sometime within the three days. Friday the latest.)

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