The first day of High School

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(Here we go. The gang's next big milestone in the story of life. Day one of high school. Now we will see more development into other ships. Anyway. Remember in this story I am making Vanessa doof. 15. 1 year older than Ferb to make that ship easier to manage. Enjoy the chapter and leave feedback.)

Phineas P.O.V

Phineas sat up quickly and he turned to look at the alarm clock. He smiled as it beeped and he turned it off then and there.

"Yes, beat it again." Phineas said as he turned to Ferb. "It's 6:45. Everyones meeting us in front of our house at 7:30. So let's move it." He said as he hopped out of his bed.

Ferb just nodded and he stood up before walking to his closet and grabbing some clothes.

Phineas did the same and he layed them out on the bed.

'This is so exciting. High school. The knowledge from high school can make Ferb's and my inventions even better.' He thought as Ferb left the room and went to the bathroom leaving Phineas to pet Perry who responded with a "Ghrrrhrrr."

Phineas just reflected on the events of the trip. All the time he spent with Isabella. A smile came to face as he just remembered it.

He was eventually pulled from his thoughts as a pillow came in contact with his face. He quickly sat up to look at a smirking Ferb who was already dressed for school.

"Quiet thinking about Isabella for now and go get ready for school." Ferb said as he picked up the platypus.

"How did you... you know what. I don't want to know." Phineas said as he grabbed his clothes and walked to the bathroom.

He quickly did his morning bathroom ritual and a good 15 minutes later Phineas came out dressed.

He walked back into his room to grab his backpack and his idea journal. He then went down the stairs and towards the kitchen.

"Hey Ferb. Time?" Phineas asked as he began to prepare himself a bowl of cereal.

"7:20. 10 minutes." Ferb said as he did the same and they began to eat.

Linda came down the stairs as the finished up and she grabbed them both and quickly pulled them into a hug.

"My baby boys. Finally off to highschool." She said as she released them.

"Ferb and I will be just fine mom. We always are." He said as there was a knock on the door.

Phineas walked off to open it and he was greeted by Isabella, Buford and Baljeet.

"Hello guys. And gal." Phineas said as he walked out of the house with Ferb behind him.

Ferb closed the door and locked it. 

"We all ready to go?" Phineas asked.

"As ready as we will ever be dinner bell." Buford said as everyone began to walk.

And so the adventure that is highschool began.

20 minutes had passed and all 5 of them strolled in through the front doors of Danville High.

"And we are finally here guys. Come on. Let's get our schedule from the cafeteria." Phineas said as she began to walk next to Isabella with the other 3 behind them.

Ferb's P.O.V

"Hey Ferb. You think highschool will help dinner bell not be so oblivious? Or finally give Isabella the guts to make the first move?"

Ferb just chuckled and shrugged.

Phineas P.O.V

'I wonder what they are talking about.' He thought but he lost his curiosity when Isabella spoke.

"What do you think of high school so far?" Isabella asked Phineas as they walked into the cafeteria.

"Right now. I think it's crowded." He said as they entered on the lines for schedules.

They were quier for the time until it was Phineas' turn.

A short female teacher looked at him. "Name?" She asksd him

"Phineas Flynn." He told her with a smile. "Hello." He askd

She opened her binder to the area labled F. "Here we go." She said as she pulled out a paper. "Phineas. Here is your schedule."

"Thanks." He said as he took ir and he stepped to the side waiting for the resr of his friends to get their schedule.

A few minutes passed and they all had received their schedules.

"Well since school begins at 8:30 for today to give freshmen a chance let's say we go see our lockers first."

Everyone nodded and they walked off the hall of freshman lockers.

"Buford. Where is your locker at?" Phineas asked. "149. With my nerds locker being 150. Makes my job easier."

Baljeet just let out a sigh. "Ferb?"
Ferb just held up one finger. Then 2. Then 4.

"124?" Phineas asked which received a nod from Ferb.

"Isabella?" Phineas asked turning to look at her.

"131." She said which got a smile from Phineas. "Nice. Right next to me at 132." He said which caused her to smile.

"Let's go put our thinks in our lockers then meet back here?" Phineas recommended which everyone agreed to.

"Then by all means lets go Izzy." Phineas said as he walked to his locker.

"Can I see your schedule?" She askes him and he just nodded and handed it to her.

She took ir and she let out a little squeal before quickly covering her mouth with her other hand.

Phineas turned to look at her with a questioning look on his face. "Sorry. Got excited." She said as she removed her hand and they reached their locker. "We have all our classes together." She said which earned a smile from Phineas. "That's awesome Izzy."

Phineas said as they opened their lockers and started to put a few things in.

'This is awesome. All my classes with Isabella. I'll be able to spend so much time with her.' He thought with a smile.

Their adventure into highschool was just beginning. This was a simple step into the great mystery that is life.

(End of chapter 11. Sorry for not having it up yesterday. Leave feedback and this story will be getting a better cover soon.)

Phineas and Ferb: LifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon