Chapter Nineteen

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Several days later, she was still embarrassed whenever she'd thought of the last time she'd seen Normani.

The two of them had eventually been forced to leave the elevator behind - not by choice, but because someone had called it down to the ground floor to use it. It had been a real jolt of surprise when the floor beneath their feet suddenly began moving again, so lost had they been in each other up until that moment.

After spending a few uncomfortable seconds with the older gentlemen traveling to the third floor, she'd followed through in accompanying Normani all the way back to the apartment with the desserts. It did seem like the proper thing to do - to present her gifts in person.

But the looks Lauren and Camila had given them...their breathing still a little labored and her face fully flushed...they might as well have been holding signs that read 'something not strictly friendly just happened here'.

Lauren had had a much harder time hiding her surprise than Camila - the brunette's widening as they flitted back and forth between the two guilty parties, mouth hanging open. Thankfully, Camila had said something before Lauren could - directing the conversation back to the cupcakes in the bag Normani was holding, which were only slightly disheveled from being dropped onto the floor of the elevator.

After she'd been appropriately thanked, she'd removed herself from the building as quickly as possible - her heart rate not returning to normal until she was nearly home. 

That had been several days ago, but her heart still performed stunts in her chest when she recalled the memory from the elevator. There was something about Normani's hands...something that made her believe nothing else mattered in the world.

And for someone who didn't enjoy sugar...when it was on Normani's tongue, she found the taste incredibly addicting. It was something she could go back for time and time again. 

Shaking her head, she tried to clear the thought for the time being. It would do her no good to be distracted by those images when it was still hours before she would see Normani again.

Today was the day of the track meet - or the 'indoor championships' as Normani had referred to them. This afternoon, she would get to watch the brunette run again - this time hopefully without being injured or being cheated out of victory.

But if Normani did get hurt, which seemed like it might happen more often than not, she wanted to make sure that she was there. The least she could do was cheer up the girl up if such a situation occurred.

And someone needed to make sure the brunette received her injury reward of a giant bowl of ice cream.

With quite a bit of free time to spare before she could even think of getting ready for the track meet, she decided it might be nice to play the piano again. Having been a little preoccupied recently, she hadn't played in quite some time. But if she was going to play for Normani the next time the brunette came over, she'd better come up with a set piece she could play without feeling embarrassed.

Something fast-paced would probably do the, the faster songs were always more impressive when played for guests.

As she made her way through the hallways towards the music room, a short-statured woman wearing a maid's apron caught her attention with a quick wave. 

"Miss - your mother is looking for you."

The sigh that passed her lips was subconscious, already knowing that the woman likely had news that she wouldn't enjoy in the slightest. And just when she'd been about to have an enjoyable day too...

"Where is she?"

"In the study, Miss," the woman replied politely.

"Thank you," she said before turning around and walking back in the direction she had just come from - wishing to get this out of the way sooner than later. Hopefully, it was only some 'horrible' news about how the baker coloring on the cake, or how someone had 'rudely' declined the invitation to attend.

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