Chapter Five

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The park bench wasn't as uncomfortable as she'd originally deemed it to be - she actually found it quite relaxing to sit there while waiting for Normani to arrive.

She'd arrived early, but not too early today. Her excitement to see Normani had been tempered somewhat by the anxiety building at the thought of meeting the girl's sister and her girlfriend.

Although...the girls were her age, so she really shouldn't be worried about anything. They were her peers and, even though they hadn't gone to the same school or been raised in the same social structure, the three of them should share some interests.

At least, that was what she was trying to convince herself at this moment.

It was difficult to keep her doubts at bay - uncertainty ingrained into her very being after years of interacting with social 'elite'...

What if they didn't like her? Would they say something to Normani?

Would Normani stop hanging out with her?

The thought hung like a storm cloud above her head.

This feeling was just so new to her - the prospect of having a friend. She didn't want it to disappear so soon.

She'd never had someone to confide in...someone who didn't want something from her...who didn't pick apart her outfits, who didn't talk about her behind her back.

Someone who didn't expect her to be the perfect heiress everyone was always searching for.

When she was with Normani there was no pressure to be anyone else. She didn't have to use the biggest words or the best vocabulary. She didn't have to dress perfectly. She didn't have to behave perfectly.

She didn't have to be perfect at all - and Normani seemed to enjoy spending time with her regardless.

And then there was the way Normani always greeted her - with a huge grin and cheerful -


A smile instantly appeared when she heard the now familiar voice calling to her. Pushing herself to her feet, she crossed the small distance of sidewalk to meet the girl halfway - discovering that Preslee wasn't accompanying Normani today.

"How are you doing Dinah?"

And then there was the way Normani used her name as much as even her name was fun to say.

"Better now that you're here," she answered a little too honestly - a blush blossoming on her cheeks as a result.

But Normani simply laughed off the words, tickled by the admission but not calling more attention than it than that.

"Are you ready to go?"

With a nod, they were on their way - walking back from the direction the girl had just come from.

"So before we get there, I should let you know that Lauren is a little...strange..."


The way Normani said the word only stoked the burning nerves still smoldering in her chest. How well could she possibly get along with 'strange'?

"Not bad strange! know how most people have filters where they tell certain things only to certain people?"


"Yeah, well, Lauren doesn't have one of those!" Normani said, laughing when she noticed what must be an expression of utter confusion on Dinah's face. "She'll treat you as if you've been friends forever - meaning that you'll probably hear some things that...maybe you don't want to hear - mostly concerning Camila."

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