Chapter Seventeen

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What are you doing, Dinah?

The question had become a daily occurrence ever since she and Normani had first kissed - popping into existence the instant she opened her eyes each morning and lingering in the back of her mind until she fell asleep at night. 

What was she thinking?

This was a horrible path she was traveling - one that led directly to a dead end. And there was no way to slow her speed - the horrible conclusion rushing towards her at an incredible pace. The calendar was turning its pages more rapidly than she could ever wish for, marching her stubbornly forward no matter how hard she dug in her heels. 

Nothing good would come of this. Nothing at all.

And she knew that. She recognized the situation for what it was...the hopeless endeavor of a fool - a fool who was, for the first time in her life, experiencing the budding thoughts of romance. 

But knowing she was a fool didn't stop her from messaging Normani anyway - from giggling at responses, from desiring the brunette's company, from craving her presence. Something about Normani pulled her in like a magnetic force, never allowing her to leave the girl's orbit, no matter how loudly her brain screamed at her to stay away. 

If anything, she was only growing closer to the girl. She'd already become so dependent on Normani's constant uplifting chatter that she went nowhere without her phone - not even when simply walking around her home. The idea of missing even a few lines of communication was painful, especially when every moment they had left together was growing more and more precious by the second - every minute lost being one they would never get back.

And, she had the unenviable ability to calculate exactly how much time they had remaining in this blissful existence - down to the minute.

It wouldn't end well...she'd only end up hurting Normani and herself...but those thoughts instantly disappeared every time she saw Normani smile or heard her laugh, or breathed in the fragrance of rose scented shampoo...

Or heard the now familiar buzz of her phone as a new message arrived.

Holding the device up to her eyes to read the latest text, she grinned at the superfluous use of exclamation points to describe the chocolate chip cookie that had just been consumed with lunch.

A cookie...seriously, the girl was easy to please.

Thankfully, that also meant it was easy for her to come up with ways to spoil the brunette.

If it was cookies Normani wanted...the cookies she would get, by the boatload, if she wanted them.

After replying that she happened to know where to find the very best cookies in all of Orange, she glanced up from her phone - looking around for a second in confusion before realizing that her feet had guided her into the downstairs living room. Absentmindedly walking the house with her nose glued to her phone tended to result in her ending up in areas she hardly ventured to - the living room being one of them.

The grand room was hardly ever used - for when there already separate spaces designated as a sitting room, meeting room, and common area, what specific activity would ever need to occur in this room?

From the name, she supposed that this was where they were supposed to live, to spend time together and create lasting memories. 

If that truly was the purpose, then it was little wonder why she had no memories here.

It was a shame truly was a beautiful space. Even lack of use couldn't reduce its magnificence in the slightest. 

The high, vaulted ceilings were crafted of dark wood and painted in beautiful shades of blue and green with veins of gold running throughout. Nestled amongst the creative designs were tiny sparkles that glittered appealingly when the light caught them just right. 

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