Chapter Three

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The next few days seemed to pass like they normally did - she woke up, accomplished whatever task her mother might instruct her to do, passed her free time mindlessly, then went to sleep.

But now...every piece of red in the entire house reminded her of Normani's outfit that day- keeping the girl at the forefront of her mind wherever she went.

The thought had occurred to her several times that she should go to the park around the same time of day and see if Normani would be there...but having no legitimate reason for being in that area scared the idea away every time.

'What brings you back here again?' the girl would likely ask.

'Oh, I just stopped by to see if you would be here...'

There probably wasn't an easier way to acquire a restraining order against herself.

So she'd been forced to sit and dream and wonder if their paths would indeed cross again.

By a stroke of luck, the perfect excuse presented itself just a few days later - and it was even her mother that got to deliver the good news, for a change.

"Dinah, the flower shop called and said they'll be receiving the samples of the roses this afternoon at four. But I already scheduled afternoon tea with Sarah -"

"I'll go see them," she immediately responded, the abruptness of her agreement causing her mother to raise her eyebrows in surprise.

But the woman thought nothing more of it.

"Yes, that's what I was going to suggest. Just make sure to be home in time for dinner."

Hiding a small smile from her mother, she nearly floated to her room in excitement.

Of course, she was just excited for the opportunity see the roses - spotting Normani would be an added bonus, but certainly not anything she was counting on.

But what should she wear?

Walking to the far right wall of her bedroom, she threw open the doors to her closet. Stepping inside the comfortable room, the lights flickered on - illuminating rows upon rows of clothing and shoes stored inside. Ball gowns, cocktail attire, business attire, casual attire, any type of clothing a girl could ask for - with shoes to match.

Of course, she couldn't just anything. It had to be appropriately casual, but still fancy enough to make a good impression. The last thing she wanted to look like was a slouch, but she also didn't want to come off as unapproachable.

To the store employees, obviously. They were the ones handling her precious flowers, after all...

Jeans seemed the obvious answer for the locale, paired with a white v-neck blouse that probably wouldn't even be visible underneath her jacket. Her winter jacket was white, double breasted with six big, black buttons running in pairs down the front. But the best part was how the jacket flared out at the bottom just like a skirt - complete with a small layer of black tulle sticking out a few inches underneath.

It looked something like a combination of a jacket and a mini-skirt.

Once dressed and satisfied with her appearance, she made her way back downstairs and called for one of their drivers to take her to the flower shop.

On the drive there, she continually huffed in annoyance every time she felt her pulse trying to creep upward.

There was no reason to get her hopes up and certainly no reason to be nervous. The girl probably wouldn't even be there. Just because Normani had been there that one day around the same time didn't automatically mean she would be there again.

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