Chapter 5: A generous proposition

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Emma's POV

"Hey! Em" I heard Cindy's familiar voice as I was clearing off table number seven.

"Yeah. What is it? Cindy" I asked in a least interested manner as I already knew if Cindy was being extra sweet towards me, then she obviously and desperately needed some favour from me.

"And what are you even doing here at this hour?" I asked walking into the kitchen as she followed me.

"I thought you had an evening shift today" I added.

"Actually that's what I need to talk about" She replied.

"I need a favour from you" She added sheepishly.

"I already figured that" I said rolling my eyes.

"Could you please fill in for me at the evening shift?" She asked.

"No. Sweet, dear, Cindy, I won't" I replied extra sweetly as well.

"I have been working my ass off since this morning, clearing tables after tables, taking, God knows, how many orders..." I paused.

"And now you want me to work your shift as well?" I continued before shaking my head at her, disappointed.

"Em, please" She pleaded.

"It's not like you'll work on my behalf and I'll get paid for it" She said.

"You'll get paid for it, Em...I have a date with Jarren and you know how our relationship has been going through a tough phase lately...I cannot afford to cancel it" She added and I soften up a bit.

"I have already spoke with Carla about it, but she said that I could leave only if someone else fills in for me" She said as I sighed.

"And I cannot really ask anybody but you" She added.

"Because you know that they wouldn't agree and only I am fool enough to fill in for you after hearing your sad story" I replied shaking my head.

"Thank you so much, Em. I owe you big time, my darling" She squealed happily before hugging me and placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Don't be too happy, I'm leaving when the clock hits five" I said playfully as she just rolled her eyes.

"I know you won't, because you are a sweetheart" She replied while heading out as I just shook my head at her with a small smile on my face.

Well, at least someone's love life would survive with a tiny bit help from my end.

Whereas if you talk about me...well, I don't have a love life at all. I may not have a boyfriend but what I do have is piles of bills to pay and tons of responsibilities towards my parents, which was also one of the reasons why I agreed to work Cindy's shift and even she knew that I needed money.

I know it would be tiring but I needed this money.

I sighed.

The rest of my day went by just as usual while taking orders and clearing off tables. Though the diner wasn't to crowed as evening rolled in, to which I couldn't be more thankful as I was worn off.

And later that night when I was just about to leave, Carla called me, saying that she needed to talk to me.

"Here's your pay check and your overtime for today" Carla said handing me my pay check as I just stared at it for a second.

Why was I getting paid so early?

"You are mistaken, Carla, it's not time to pay your employees yet" I said with an awkward chuckle. Carla was a humble and sweet lady, in her mid forties but she could be the typical professional boss when she wanted to, but all said and done, I had a friendly relation with her.

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