Chapter 8: Torture

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Aaron's POV

"What the fuck were you thinking? Elizabeth!" I yelled as soon as we entered my study.

"Aaron, my son just listen to me once..." Elizabeth tried to speak only to be interrupted by me.

"How many times do I need to tell you, I'm not your son" I replied.

"So don't you dare call me son" I added pointing a finger at her.

"Alright, I won't, I won't, you just calm down, Aaron" Elizabeth said.

"No! I fucking cannot!" I snapped.

"I go away for a week...just for a goddamm week and I return to this..." I trailed off.

"You hired a nanny for my son who looks exactly like his mother" I yelled.

"You hired a woman for my son who looks exactly like my wife, my Alison" I added.

"I cannot fucking believe this" I said running a hand through my hair, frustrated.

"I cannot fucking believe this" I mumbled repeating my own words to myself.

"How could you do this to me? Elizabeth" I asked.

"I know our relation has never been that great but I could have never guessed that you hated me so much" I added as she looked a little taken aback by my words.

"Aaron! What are you saying! How on earth can you even think that I could hate you, my child" She said, surprised.

"I don't hate you, Aaron, I never have and I never can" She added with a sigh and even though her eyes and body language said that she wasn't lying, that there wasn't even a slight hint of lie in her words but yet I didn't believe her because I don't fucking trust her or anybody else for that matter.

Over the years I have learned a thing or two, looks can be deceiving and not everything you see even with your own eyes and hear even with your own ears is true.

"Then what the fuck were you thinking while hiring that woman as my son's nanny!?" I snapped, slamming my hand on the table before me.

"Didn't you think, even for once, how difficult it would be for me to see that damn face each and every day...each and every second of the day..." I paused before swinging my chair around and dumping myself on it, fucking tired...tired of everything...tired of my son needing his mother...tired of me needing my wife...fucking tired of living this goddamm life without my Alison.

"And that too around my own son" I continued.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me" I mumbled thrusting both my hands into my hair while resting my elbows on the table. I felt like pulling my hair out right now.

"Didn't this thought cross your mind once? Even once!? That how that woman...whatever her fucking name is, looks exactly like my wife, my child's mother, the only woman that I ever loved..." I paused.

"My dead wife, if I may add, and how that would be such a torture seeing her in my own house, living with her under the same roof" I continued.

"And most importantly, seeing her around my and Alison's son, playing with him, nurturing him, taking care of him" I added with a tired sigh.

"Didn't you think even once? How torturing and unbearable her presence would be for me? How it would be a mental and emotional torture for me to see a woman who looks exactly like my wife, taking care of my own son..." I trailed off as my study was engulfed by a sudden silence, it was so silent that I could even hear the ticking of the clock and my rapidly racing heart.

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