Chapter 10: Guilt

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Aaron's POV

"Now get the fuck out of here" As I said those harsh, hurtful words, her eyes brimmed with tears, her cheeks turned red as she bit down on her lower lip.

Wiping her tears off with the back of her hand, she ran out of my study and for some weird reason I felt my heart clenching in pain as I realised that I was the reason behind those tears.

I mean I didn't have to be so rude to her.

No! No! No!

What am I thinking!?


This is why! This is why I didn't want her to work for me...she has the exact same face of my wife and no matter how much I tell my heart that it's not her, my heart just won't listen to me.

I don't fucking care when women or even anybody else cries, doesn't matter if I am the reason or somebody or something else, I have never cared about anybody's tears, except for my dead wife's...but today as I saw that woman running out of my study in tears, I couldn't help but feel a pang of pain and regret in my heart, which is obviously because she looks like my wife, and I could never see my Alison crying.

"What? Feeling bad knowing that you made her cry for absolutely no reason?" Elizabeth's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I gritted my teeth at the fact that she was still sitting here.

"Yeah. Now you know why I didn't want someone who has the exact same face as my wife, to work for me" I replied while slamming my hands down on the table.

"And for God's sake! What are you still doing here?" I added, tired, before getting off my chair and walking out, leaving her alone to plot something yet again.

As I walked out of my study, wanting to go and see Noah, I stopped in my tracks on the stairs as I noticed Noah crawling towards the exit of the mansion in a haste as if he had some plane to catch.

Who the fuck dared to leave him on his own like that!? I fumed with anger at the thought and was just about to walk down and snap at the house help who just stood there watching as Noah crawled away from her, I stopped when I noticed the woman that I just fired standing by the wide open doors while staring down at my son with her eyes still filled with tears.

What the fuck is she still doing here? When I clearly told her to get the fuck out of my house...

I stopped in the middle of my thoughts as I realised something. My eyes traveled down from the woman to my son, who I now realised was, so happily and in a haste, crawling towards that woman.

I couldn't help but smile as I noticed how happy and excited he seemed while crawling towards her. I still couldn't believe my eyes because he never seems to be so happy around anyone except for me and...well his late mother...but now he was happy and excited to see her.

He sat near her feet, giving her that innocent smile of his that anybody would fall for, while throwing his hands up and down in the air, wanting and waiting for her to pick him up, but she didn't, rather she just stood there, staring down at him, seemingly lost in some deep thoughts.

And all the time that she made him wait, really seemed to irritate him as soon he started crying upon not getting the attention that he demanded from her and as soon as I heard his little baby cries, I felt like rushing down to him and taking him in my arms and soothing his cries before shaking that woman from whatever trance she seemed to be in and snap at her for daring to ignore my son.

How dare she not pick him up as he so innocently sat near her feet, wanting nothing but just some attention from her, my eyebrows scrunched up at the thought and I couldn't help but feel mad at her.

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