Chapter 9: Hard goodbyes

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Emma's POV

"Enough!" I almost shivered as I heard Mr. Aaron Walker's voice, his voice was loud enough for even me to hear as I stood before his study door, in a dilemma that if I should go in and apologise or not.

He was mad, I could tell this much by hearing his voice and it made me wonder if it was a good idea to talk to him right now? Or rather should I say that was it a good idea to talk to him at all?

From what I have managed to gather from our first meeting in the park, and then the short walk from the park to the Walker mansion, which felt way too long for some unknown reason, I can tell that he's a short tempered man and after what I did at the park, after the way I spoke to him assuming that he was a kidnapper, who was trying to abduct my little Noah, I don't really think it's a good idea to even go in front of him right now.

But I need this job and if I want to keep it intact, then I need to go and apologise to him right away...but it's not just about the money now, sure I need money for survival and given my family's condition, this is not the time that I can afford losing yet another job.

But apart from those reasons, there's also yet another much bigger reason why I cannot afford to lose this job...and it's because within the short span of time that I have been working here, I have emotionally gotten attached to Noah, and I realized it when I saw Mr. Walker holding him in his arms at the park and assumed that he was a kidnapper.

I was scared shitless, just at the thought of somebody harming Noah, and now when I'm on the verge of losing this job...which also implies that I would never get to see that angelic baby ever again, I realize that I need this job much more because I love being around Noah, rather than due to my financial conditions.

If I'm fortunate enough, I would manage to land myself a job at some diner or cafe and earn money, but there I wouldn't get to see Noah everyday and just the thought of not being able to see him ever again, is killing me, which is why even if I like it or not, if I want to or not, but I have to go in there and talk to Mr. Walker.

Right now!

Taking a deep breath as if gathering all the courage in me, I gently knocked on the wooden door.

"Mr. Walker..." I called out.

"Mr. Walker, m-may I come in?" I asked. God! Why did I stammer? Couldn't I say even utter one full sentence without making a fool out of myself?

A moment later I heard Elizabeth's voice, saying, "Yes, sweetheart, please come in".

Turning the door knob open with my trembling hand, I walked inside in slow steps, with my head hung low.

Preparing a good apology in my head, so that I don't stammer this time and curse myself even more than what I already was doing, I spoke.

"Mr. Walker, I want to apologise for whatever happened back at the park earlier" I said, but didn't dare to even glance up at him.

"I-I had no idea that it was you..." I trailed off.

Crap! What was I saying?

"I mean I had no idea that you are Noah's father" I said, correcting my previous sentence while looking up at him this time.

"Oh. That's alright, don't worry about it" Elizabeth said waving her hand in the air, it was sweet of her to forgive me but it wasn't her forgiveness that I needed, rather it was her son's, so I just stood there looking at him, waiting for him to say something.

But why do I have this feeling that whatever he was just about to say, definitely wasn't going to be in my favour.

As I looked at him, I realized how handsome he was, with perfectly cut, dark brown hair, a pointed nose, a sharp jawline and those baby blue eyes, that had the power of holding anybody captive, he looked no less than a Greek God! And recalling the moment when we stood in front of eachother in the park, I could also tell that he was heighted as he towered over my 5'7 height.

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