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I passed Sehun to Jungkook, listening to him as he spoke. 

"I'll take him there. You go back to your body and I'll come get you. Remember, think about your room." 

I nodded at his words, smiling at Sehun as he giggled and played with Jungkook's face. I giggled and kissed his forehead, earning a pout from Jungkook. 

"I think Hyung wants a kiss from Daddy, too," Sehun giggles as he smiles brightly. 

"Give me a kiss, Daddy," My cheeks flared red at Jungkook's words. I rolled my eyes and placed a kiss on his forehead, standing on my tippy toes just like in college. 

After I did, I waved goodbye to Sehun one last time. As I looked up to meet eyes with Jungkook, I noticed him becoming fuzzier.

I blinked, quickly. Suddenly, he was no longer in view. Neither was Sehun. 

Letting out a deep sigh, I closed my eyes. Breathing deeply. 

I thought of my room. How it smelt, the temperature, what it looked like. I imagined everything in detail. 

Once again I suddenly felt lighter. But this time I also felt a slight pain in my head. I ignored it, assuming that this was the effect of traveling alone.

When I opened my eyes again, I was in my room. Dizzy, I fell to my knees. 

When I looked back up, I was lying in the hospital bed. Once again in my body. 

It felt quite odd, having all this extra weight on me. I sat up, it took a bit more effort than I remember. 

"Kookie ah?" I whispered, hoping he would come soon. 

Instead of Jungkook's voice, my ears were filled with the creaking of a door. Instinctively, I dropped to the bed. 

I closed my eyes, slowing my breathing a bit to make my heart beat normal. 

A bit of shuffling was heard and I felt a presence beside me. A familiar scent filled my nose. 


"Jimin ah, I'm going to enjoy my last week with you. I'm sad that it's all I get, but we have to do this. I love you," He whispers, before leaning over and planting a kiss on my forehead.

I stayed still, making sure to seem asleep. He shuffled over to the door and paused. 

"But since you were awake. I have to do it now," He swung open the door quickly, running out. I sat up in bed, my heart race quickening causing a beeping to fill the room. 

Without thinking, I ripped every iv out, standing up from the bed. I ran to the door, swinging open the door causing a loud crash. 

I looked to my side, seeing a teary-eyed Yoongi and doctors behind him. I ran forward, dodging every person standing in shock. 

"Jungkook!" I screamed as I exited the hospital. I could hear the doctors behind me as I approached the stairs down to the sidewalk. 

I continued running and sped up. Here goes nothing!

I jumped off the platform, my legs spinning in the air as I jumped over the twenty non-steep stairs. 

My feet hit the ground, sending pain through my body as my knees bent forward, causing me to roll. I stood up again quickly, in a lot less pain than I would have been had I not rolled. 

"Jeon Jungkook!" I screamed as I forced my legs forward. 

Doctors screamed for me to stop, Yoongi ran faster than ever. 

I closed my eyes as I ran when I opened them again, I was nearing a road crossing, a car approaching. I pushed faster, the car's horn blasting as I ran past. 

I closed my eyes again, thinking of Jungkook. 

"Please show up," I panted, my throat drying as I continued to run. 

I looked around, my eyes flickering wildly as police sirens filled the air. 

They called the cops?! 

I turned into an alley, running further towards some old houses. 

I stopped at a doorway, hiding as I panted for air. This shit only works in movies, but at this point, my life is like some bad drama. 

A really shitty and confusing drama. 

I squeezed my eyes shut, thinking of Jungkook as I could hear pounding feet nearing the alleyway. 

"Jungkook where are you?" I whispered, my heart pounding in my chest, the fear of being caught overwhelming me. 

I could hear them turn down the alleyway and sprinted from the doorway, not giving it a second thought. 

I closed my eyes, wondering what was taking him so long. I entered another alley, noticing a ladder at the end of this one. I sprinted faster towards the ladder. 

I jumped up, latching myself on. My shins came into brutal contact with the ladder but I had to climb. I climbed, finding myself on top of an unfamiliar roof. 

As I looked closer at it, I realized it was the dorm's roof. 

My old one I shared with Taehyung. 

Memories of college came flooding back, Jungkook finding his way into a lot. I closed my eyes, enjoying the peace while it lasted. 

My eyes snapped open when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Jungkook smiling at me. 

"Finally, you're here," I whispered, a smile creeping onto my sweaty face. 

I tore my eyes away from him as doctors and Yoongi flooded the roof. I backed up slightly, grabbing Jungkook's hand. 

"Jimin ah, please come back," Yoongi pleaded, his eyes breaking as he spoke. "We can help you if you give him up." 

"Why would I give him up?" I spoke, not missing a beat with my response. Jungkook squeezed my hand. 

 "He's giving you the wrong idea! They won't win!" Yoongi shouted. I furrowed my brows. 

"You knew?!" I shouted still walking backward with Jungkook. Yoongi froze and looked away. He muttered something and turned around. 

The next thing I knew, the doctors were charging at me. 

I looked solemly at Yoongi who had taken one last glance in my direction. He mouthed and I'm sorry and I found myself turning to run. 

I couldn't go far, however, as the edge was prickling at my feet. 

The doctors were close and the police were right beneath me. I looked at Jungkook and he smiled gently at me. 


I've Been Here // Jikook (Bunny #2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن