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"Hey, trouble"

She looked at the handsome man who was leaning on the door frame and smiled, "hey handsome"

"You were going to meet a murderer alone"

"I was going to meet someone who I don't know alone"

He frowned, "how..."

"She sent the message from an unknown number"

"What did it say?"

"If I don't want to lose you, I have to go to the forest alone"

He gritted his teeth, "and you thought it was very safe to go meet that someone alone"

"I don't want to lose you"

I few tears fell from her eyes while he was looking at her

"Come here," he whispered as he held her close to him, "I am sorry that I shouted at you," he said while stroking her hair, "but I was so worried about you. When Martin called me and said that you were at the hospital, I lost it"

They looked at each other, "I am happy that I met you"

He smiled, "I love you, Serena Walker"

"I love you too, Rick Curt"

"Could you believe that Christy thought that Martin and I are in love?"

He gritted his teeth, "Yes, I could"

She frowned, "what?"

"Serena, Martin never stops looking at you"

"That's because he is my friend"

"No, it's because he still loves you"

"Rick, what are you talking about?"

"You really can't see how much he is in love with you"

"No, I can't see at all"

"Then, you are blind, love"

"He can't be in love me. We ended that a long time ago"


She frowned, "Why what?"

"Why did you two ended it"

She looked at him, she was never comfortable talking about it, "because I never loved Martin. I always saw him as a friend. When he asked me out, I was going to say no but he looked so nervous and happy that I couldn't refuse"

"When you loved Johnny, you left Martin"

She frowned, "don't say it like that"

He smiled, "you feel bad for what you did to him"

She nodded.

He cupped her face, "my little sweet hearted love"

She punched his chest, "Don't make fun of me"

"I am not," he inched away and looked at her, "how could a small thing like you have such strong hands?"

She glared at him, "I am not a small thing"

"Oh please, I could contain you with one arm"

She raised an eyebrow, "Would you like me to punch you again?"

He raised his hands, "No, thank you"

He held her again then she said, "Let's get out of here"

"Are you sure?"

"Don't worry, you said it yourself, I'm strong"

They went out of the room hand in hand and while leaving the hospital, they met her family and Martin.

"Serena!" Mr. Walker said while hugging her.

She let him hug her but didn't hug him back after he broke it, he looked at her.

"I was so worried about you"

"Don't worry, I am OK"

"Are you sure?" James said.

She didn't answer but Rick did, "don't worry, sir. She is fine"

"Thanks, Martin," she said, "for saving me"

"I did what I should have done. Stay safe, Serena"

She gave him a weak smile and then looked at Rick, "Let's go"

"Wait," James said, "where are you going?"

She didn't answer so Rick answered again, "I am taking her to my house"

"No, you are coming with me today"

She stared at James, "you have no word on me, commissioner"

"Yes, I failed. But that doesn't mean that I am not your father"

"I am 25 years old, commissioner. I am independent and I can do anything that I want so you have no word on me"

He glared at her, "until when?"

"Until I die"

She was leaving but Mr. Walker held her wrist, "I am not going to stay for long, Serena. I don't want to leave knowing that you hate me"

She tried to stop the tears from rolling down her eyes but couldn't. Her grandfather was always something special to her.

"Serena, please!"

"You tricked me, Grandpops. You know that you are the most important person in my life but you tricked me"

"How could I tell you something like this? Your father was the one who should have told you not me. I didn't want to complex the situation between you"

She didn't answer.

"Serena, please, I am not asking you to forgive us right away. Just come home, please"

"Not today, Grandpops. Not today. Maybe tomorrow or the day after it but not today"

"I will be waiting for you," he smiled.

"You won't wait for long"

1 Chapter To Go. I Can't Believe That I My First Book Is About To Be Finished XD XD. Don't Forget To Vote & Comment.

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