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They ate the eggs silently; they haven't spoken a word since their argument.

Rick was watching her eating her food eagerly, he couldn't suppress a laugh.

"What's wrong?" She said with full mouth.

"When was the last time you ate?"

She looked at her almost empty plate and couldn't help but blush.

That's was very weird for her. She is strong and knew how to insult people and respond to their insults, her friends called her a man in disguise.

"So you know how to be embarrassed?"

She had to keep her strong figure "Get off my back, OK"

"OK, fine" he grinned.

"What happened to your face?" She said still eating her food.

Rick cleared his throat "I had an accident"

"It looks like someone punched you"

"What?" Rick said raising an eyebrow "Are you an expert?"

"Yeah," she said eating the last piece of egg, "you could say that"

"Boys used to annoy you a lot"

"No, Martin and I always hit each other"

"Martin?" He was staring at her now.

"Yeah, he is my childhood best friend"

"Well, he is my new partner" Rick touched his lip "and he caused this"

"Martin hit you!" She narrowed her eyes "what did you do to him?"

"Me?" He said pointing at himself "Why couldn't he be the one who started the fight?"

"Because I know him, he never punched anyone for fun" she laid back on her seat before continuing "Besides, you look like a trouble maker"

Rick grinned, "Do I now?"

She cleared her throat and sat normally now "so, what did you do to him?"

"I told him about my dirty past"

"Does it have to do with drugs?"

"Yeah" Rick looked curious now "How did you know that?"

"Martin didn't have a pink childhood," she said looking at the ceiling now "his father was a drug dealer, he was from the first people who went to jail when" She closed her eyes and thought for a moment "Commissioner Walker came to town"

"Is he as ruthless as they say?"

"Who? The commissioner?"


"He is worse" she was still looking at the ceiling "He only believes in straight paths, he despises curves" she smiled."Martin and he have a lot of things in common"

"Like what?"

"They are both idealists, I would have said that they never hate anyone but the commissioner hates everyone"

"Martin isn't that friendly"

She stared at him "What do you mean?"

"Do you know a Carlos Schwann?"

Serena swallowed; she began sweating "yeah"

"He died today and the first thing that your lovable friend did was saying that he is happy that Schwann is roasting in hell"

"Well, that's a special case"

"What does that supposed to mean?"

"Schwann" she opened her mouth for a few times but words failed her.

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