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"Lower your voice, man"

Rick and Ryan were searching in the detectives' files but sadly found nothing. The detectives came from different cities in America but they all had one thing in common. They were all corrupted.

"What if the killer wanted to achieve justice by killing them?"

"I am an idiot," Ryan said, "and even I think that what you are saying is stupid"

"Why? Some people are crazy and believe that killing corrupted people makes the world better"

"They sure didn't watch Batman when they were kids"

Rick glared at him, "Seriously Ryan, it's no time to make stupid jokes"

"Hey Rick, would you like to tell me why the obsession?"

Rick frowned, "what obsession?"

Ryan smirked, "The obsession with proving Serena's innocence. If you think that helping her will get you anywhere, think again"

Rick returned to searching the files, "I have no idea what you are talking about"

"Sure, sure"

"Why isn't there a file on Johnny?"

Ryan raised an eyebrow, "There is one but why do you want to see it?"

"Maybe it contains something important"

"Johnny didn't disappear, he left" Ryan smirked, "and I don't think there is a guide on how to be Serena's boyfriend in his file"

Rick glared at him, "Another word about Serena and you are dead"

They stayed silent for a while and then Rick continued, "When I was transferred here, they told me that I have to live with Bill because there are no free apartments. So where did Johnny and the detectives live?"

"Johnny lived with Martin and the detectives lived with Bill"

Then a thought came to Rick, "Let's talk to Bill tomorrow"

Ryan raised an eyebrow, "why?"

"He must know something more than the rest of you"

"Don't count on it," Ryan said while standing up, "Bill is very unsocial and those detectives were very rude. I am sure that they never had a conversation with each other"

Rick shrugged, "trying wouldn't hurt"

Ryan yawned, "It's becoming late, let's go now and continue this tomorrow"

"You leave; I will stay for a while"

Ryan shrugged, "as you like, see ya tomorrow"


Serena is an early bird. She wakes up, dresses up, goes to Bingo to get a cup of coffee and be the first arrival in the office.

That day when she entered the office, she found Rick sleeping in his chair. He was sitting in his chair, resting his head on the wall and peacefully asleep.

She smiled and went to him to wake him up but instead she stared at him. He was a mess but a cute peaceful mess. After a few seconds, she started pushing his shoulder.

"Hey sleepyhead, wake up"

He slowly opened his eyes to find Serena's smiling face. He stumbled to his feet "Serena, what are you doing here?"

Her smile widened and she raised an eyebrow, "uhh, I work here"

He started blinking then he looked around to find himself in the office.

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