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Being ruthless is not easy, being strict is not easy either and being both of those titles is definitely not easy but for Commissioner James Walker he never found it hard. Since he was a child, he learned how to hide his feelings. When his mother died, his father hugged him really tight and cried, he was waiting for his son to cry with him but instead he patted his father's back and tried to make him stop crying. Everyone wondered about how a boy of 10 could not cry over his mother's death although they were very close. Everyone wondered but no one knew the truth behind that strong face.

When Commissioner James Walker saw his daughter handcuffed a lot of feelings erupted in him, fury, disappointment, and sadness. When she opened the door and entered his office, he could only feel pure happiness.

However, that's not what he showed. When Serena entered, he didn't look at her but kept examining the papers in front of him although he wasn't paying a lot of attention to them.

"You asked to see me, sir"

No answer

After a few moments he left the papers and looked at his daughter, "You look more like your mother every day"

She blinked a few times "are you sweet talking me in your office, sir?"

He cleared his throat "I think Martin already told you but the real murderer was caught"

"Yes he did, Gonzalez Schwann" she cleared her throat "it was a shock, everyone know that Carlos was a cruel man but not Gonzalez"

"A lot of things will happen in your life that will shock you"

He walked towards her and put a hand on her shoulder "you have to be more careful in the future"

She stared at him "are you trying to prove a point, sir?"

He frowned "What are you talking about?"

"You are talking to me in a good way, putting a hand on my shoulder and then giving me advice, I don't think that l will ever be more shocked in my life"

He walked towards a wall "Your grandpa doesn't know anything"

"I figured that out when I didn't see him with my friends" she gave a very sad smile "they were very happy when they saw me"

He turned and looked at her "If you were more careful we wouldn't have gotten into this trouble in the first place"

She frowned "MORE CAREFUL! How could I be more careful? How was I even careless in the first place?"

"If you have stayed away from this forest like we always tell you, you would have never been sent to prison," he shouted

"Why do you hate it so much?"

"Why do you love it so much?"

"Because I feel safe in it"

"Safe!" he muttered, "How could you feel safe in a forest?"

She rolled her eyes " you know what, forget it, you never understood me in your life so why will that change now?"

She was going to the door when her father stopped her.

"I haven't dismissed you, detective"

She took a deep breath and turned herself to face her father " I am very sorry, sir"

"I think that you should have a partner"

"A partner! Why? And from where? It's not like there are detectives walking in the streets with nowhere to go"

"You can take Martin"

"So you trust the detective drug dealer but not me"

"One of the twins"

"They will never work well without each other and I will never be comfortable working with one of them"

"Well, this is the only option," he said coming closer to her

"Why do you want me to have a partner, I have always worked alone" she

"I want you to be safe," he shouted back

She snorted, "Don't act as if you care"

He raised his hand to slap her again but stopped mid movement

She looked at his hand "so that is your way of communication now, Every time that I will say something that you don't like you will hit me"

She stopped for a second and then continued, "Are you even happy that I am out of prison?"

He stared at her face. Sadness in his eyes, he knows that he is good at hiding his feelings but was he that good that she didn't feel the happiness he felt once he saw her entering the room.

Another father would have hugged her, another father would have told his daughter how much he loves her but not that one that one was a Commissioner who is known to be ruthless and heartless even with his daughter.

He went to his desk and sat on his chair and said with all his grace "you are dismissed, detective"

Serena was rarely shocked by her father's actions and this time was no difference, she bowed and then left the whole station.

Life wasn't always that hard.


20 years ago, he kissed his wife goodbye for the last time.

20 years ago, he hugged her for the last time.

20 years ago a man entered his house and killed his wife.

20 years ago, he lost his son.

20 years ago, he almost ruined his life by drinking a lot.

19 years ago, he asked to be transferred to another place far away.

19 years ago, he was sent to Countyville.

18 years ago, he started hating the world.

18 years ago, he decided that he would shut the world out.

18 years ago, he shut his daughter out.

18 years ago, Serena changed her life.

17 years ago, she stopped being a happy child.

16 years ago, she started facing many problems without being helped.

16 years ago, her father hit her for the first time.

10 years ago, she got her heart broken for the first time.

10 years ago, she craved for her father's hug but didn't get it.

10 years ago, she decided that she would never show her weakness to people.

7 years ago, she went to college.

7 years ago, she craved for her father's hug for the second time but didn't get it again.

1 year ago, she had the biggest shock of her life but her father wasn't there.

1 year ago, she got her heart broken every few months.

A few months ago, someone spread that Serena was a jinx.

A few months ago, everyone thought about Serena as a jinx.

People never understood why Commissioner James Walker and his daughter, Serena was weird but they don't know what those two miserable people suffered in their lives.

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