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He opened his eyes and didn't find Serena, he quickly sat on his bed but she wasn't here.

"Serena," he shouted.

No answer.

He started panicking, she was so angry and down yesterday. What if she did something to herself?

He opened the door to almost crash into someone

"Watch it, pretty boy"

"Serena, where were you? Do you know how panicked I was?"

She raised an eyebrow and raised the two cups of coffee "Coffee. Why were you panicking?"

They entered and sat across from each other, "I don't know," he said, "I thought you did something to yourself"

Her eyes widened, "I won't kill myself because my life sucks. I am not crazy," she took a sip of her coffee "plus, it's not the first time that my life was ruined, it's not a new thing"

They finished the coffee silently then he prepared himself then they were off.

"Are you sure that you are ready to see your father so soon?"

"Yeah," she replied looking forward, "I am not a kid. Plus, Commissioner Walker and I always had a weird relationship"

They arrived after a while. Once she arrived, she was met by Martin's hug.

"I was so worried about you. You didn't answer any of my calls. Where were you?"

"Sorry, Martin. I closed my phone because I didn't want to talk to anyone. I stayed at Rick's house"

Martin glared at Rick that was met by his smirk. Then, Rick approached Serena and put his arm around her shoulder that was met by her smile.

"Wait a second," Ryan interrupted. He and Chris were standing behind Martin

"Are you two dating?" Chris said continuing Ryan's thought.

She looked at Rick and smiled then looked at them and nodded happily.

"From when?" Ryan asked with a smile.

"Two days," Serena replied with a blush.

"OK, I don't know which is weirder," Chris said "you two dating or you blushing"

They all smiled except for Martin who kept glaring at Rick.

"The commissioner said that he wants to see you once you come," Martin told Serena.

She was very uncomfortable and when Rick felt it, he squeezed her shoulder "hey, it's OK. If you aren't comfortable, you don't have to go straight away"

Martin was just about to object when Serena smiled and patted Rick's hand, "No, it's OK. I think I am ready to see him, I can't run away forever"

She left and went to Commissioner Walker's office and once she was inside, Martin took the collar of Rick's shirt "listen to me drug dealer," he said between gritted teeth "if you hurt her even a little, you are dead meat"

Rick smirked and then did a move that ended with Martin on the floor. He crouched and took the collar of Martin's shirt "my turn now," Rick said with the same smirk "if you ever threaten me again, you are dead meat"

He let go of him and stood up, "By the way, I love Serena more than you could think of and I will never ever hurt her"

He then left and sat on his desk while Martin went out of the station. The twins were staring at the situation then at each other in disbelief.

"No one has ever stood to Martin," Ryan whispered when they returned to their seats.

"I know and he knocked him down," Chris replied then looked at Rick, "look like that guy, is stronger than we thought"


During the fight outside, there was another fight in the commissioner's office.

She stepped inside, "you wanted to see me, sir?" Serena said looking straightforward.

"So we are back to the starting point"

No answer.

"Where did you sleep yesterday, detective?"

"At detective Rick's house, sir," and for some reason, a tear escaped her eyes.

"Serena," James said while approaching her.

She raised her hand to stop him, "don't come near me," she said with more tears running down her face.

She removed her tears, took a deep breath and said, "Where is my brother?"

"In his cell. He will probably be transferred to another place for his trial"

"Will he be executed?" She said trying not to cry.

He looked at her in terror. He doesn't know but he can't say that. It will only make things worse for everyone, "no"

"Don't lie"

"I am not"

"Oh please, you are a terrible liar"


"My brother will die," she whispered, "he will die before I know him better," she looked at her father and pointed a finger at him, "all of this is because of you. If anything happens to him, I will never forgive you"

Tears started running from her eyes again "who am I kidding? It's all my fault. Why did I take this stupid bet? Why didn't I respect Daniel's feelings?"

"It's not your fault," her father said, "Serena you are not guilty at all. All of this was because of Loby. He is the criminal"

"Oh, don't try to make yourself feel better;" she said in a very harsh tone, "we are all guilty in this. You, me and everyone who is related," she paused and then said, "If you think about it, who is innocent in this world? No one. We are all sinners and criminals one way or another. We hurt, we kill, we steal and we keep secrets. We are all sinners and we are all paying for our sins"

With that, she left her father speechless, angry and sad for the beautiful days that he will miss dearly.

Once she was out, Rick ran to her and held her in his arms. They stayed like that for a while until she gathered herself up, broke the hug and removed the tears.

Rick put his finger under her chin and lifted it up, "Are you OK, now?"

She nodded and smiled "Better"

She stood like that for a while until she was sure that she wanted to do it

"I am going to see my brother"

Rick frowned, "you are still not ready for that"

"Yes I am," she said determined, "I have to see him. I have to talk to him"

Rick tried to stop her but in vain. She was in front of her brother's cell now.

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