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When Martin went to the station he found the twins sitting, he rushed to them "where the hell were you two yesterday?"

"Haven't you heard the news?" Ryan said, "There was a murder yesterday"

"What?" He rose his eyebrows "Who? When? How? Where?"

"Mark and Dani," Chris said "yesterday at around eight pm "he closed an eye and made a gun with his hand "one shot in the head each"

"They were making out at her apartment," Ryan said.

"Who had to tell the cheated loved ones?"

"Rodriguez told Tom," Chris said "and Ryan told Cherie"

"How did she take it?"

"A lot of... Screaming, a lot of... Shouting, a lot of... hitting" Ryan said staring at the floor acting as if he was in pain.

Both Martin and Chris laughed.

"So Serena's estimation wasn't wrong," Martin said, "she always said that something was wrong with those two"

"Well they ended up dead," Ryan said.

"Is there any leads to the murderer?"

"Negative" Chris said shaking his head.

"No witnesses, no anything"


"That's just messed up man" Martin looked behind him to find Rick entering the station.

"Hey, drug dealer" Rick turned around "come here" Rick rolled his eyes and went to him.

"Could you stop calling me that?" Rick told him once he was near.

"No, now let me introduce you," he said pointing at the twins "those are the twins, Ryan and Chris, twins this is the new detective, Rick"

"Did you meet Serena Walker?" Ryan said.

Chris elbowed him.

"He didn't meet anyone except me," Martin said.

When Rick heard him, he couldn't help but think about her.

"Why are you thinking about her?" a voice at the back of his head said, "You can't forget the hug, can you?"

"Why do I feel that she is special?" Rick thought to himself "I am sure that this thought will drift away soon"

"But you can't forget about her" the voice in the back of his head continued.

"I will it's like she is the first woman that I meet"

While rick was fighting with himself, the boys continued their discussion.

"Why didn't she come yesterday?" Chris asked.

Martin cleared his throat "we can't find her, she didn't sleep at her house yesterday, we have no idea where she is"

Ryan snorted, "The jinx is jinxed"

Chris elbowed him again but it was too late.

Martin stared at him "What?"

"Nothing" Chris interrupted "you know Ryan he speaks a lot"

Suddenly, he rushed to Ryan, lifted him and crushed him to the wall "if I ever heard you calling her that again, I won't be responsible for my actions"

Ryan nodded and Martin let him go, he left them and went to his desk.

Rick was staring at them, He was so concentrating on his thoughts that he didn't hear them talking, he only woke up when he found Martin and Ryan fighting.

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