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Josh and Gary were walking back home. They were at Noah's and decided that they won't continue their plan.

"I want to do it," Josh exclaimed.

"No" Gary replied, he knew exactly what he was talking about.

"C'mon Gary, we will be rich"

"We won't do it. We are already missing two. I don't want to die"

"Fine, I will do it myself"

"No Josh, you won't"

"And who will stop me?"


They looked behind them and before they could open their mouths, they were shot in the head.

"The one who is left is Noah. But they probably didn't tell him. They know that he is too much innocent"

He went home and decided to spare that kid's soul.


Today was the best day in her life; happiness was surrounding her from everywhere. No one was in the living room so she thought they were resting in their rooms. Today was a hard day for her father, the second death without knowing the murderer. While she was in her thoughts, she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in"

She saw her father's smiling face and it was then that she noticed that her father was a very good looking man. Yes, he was old but he was handsome. He came and sat on her bed.

"Just tell me that you didn't join the dark side"

She smiled, "don't worry, the force helped me and I am still a police detective" she stopped then continued "but I do have a boyfriend now"

He stared at her, "listen to me young lady; I didn't open my mouth when you told me that you are going on a date with that garbage but if you think that I will leave you to date a gangster you are dreaming"

She laughed, "Calm down dad, I am not dating Sam, he didn't even show up"

He frowned, "I am lost"

"While I was waiting for my original date, Sam, Rick came, we talked and we found out that we really like each other and decided to date"

"You left a gangster to date a murderer"

"A murderer?? What are you talking about? Martin told me that Rick was a murderer but when I asked him to explain, he refused. What is that about?"

Her father sighed, "When he was in LA, he was dating his commissioner's daughter for interest. What no one knew is that he was cheating on her with another girl. After a while, his life fell apart when the daughter knew the truth and told her father. He knew that he was letting drug dealers go but only charged him when he broke up with his daughter"

She frowned, "that doesn't explain the murderer thing"

"Remember the other girl"

She nodded.

"She was found dead"

She stared in front of her; she couldn't believe what he was telling her. Her Rick isn't like that. He isn't a cheater, he isn't a drug dealer and he definitely is not a murderer.

Suddenly she stood up and went to the door but her father's grip on her arm stopped her, "Where are you going?"

"To him," she said without looking at her father.

"At this late hour, I don't think so"

She looked at him and her father was shocked when he saw tears in her eyes, "please" she whispered.

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