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Author's Note: I Have Updated The Last Paragraph In Chapter 3 Make Sure To Read It As It Is Very Important

They were staring at the two bodies with one bullet in the head each.

"So, they had the night of their lives"

"Really, you think that's the best time to make jokes," Chris said.

Meet Chris and Ryan or as they call them the twins. They are not related in any way but since their childhood, they never left each other and they looked very much alike. They both had ginger hair, freckels and dark green eyes.

"We have a problem," Rodriguez said interrupting them "This is the second murder in two consecutive days," he said staring at the bodies "That never happened before"

"Yeah" Ryan was shaking his head "Is there a murderer on the leach?"

Both Rodriguez and Chris stared at him.

"Or" he continued, "Does she jinx normal people too?"

"What are you talking about?" Rodriguez said.

"Nothing, nothing," Chris said, "you know him, he likes saying stupid things"

Rodriguez shook his head and left them.

"Don't spread our theory" Chris hissed.

Ryan rolled his eyes "Fine"

"Hey Rodriguez" Chris shouted, "Is there any witnesses or did anyone hear something weird yesterday?"

"Yeah, a Miss Kitty wants to talk to you about that"

"Kitty" Ryan's eyes widened "I am not going there, bro"

"Why?" Rodriguez said.

"She has a huge crush on me, she freaks me out, man"

"It's OK Rodriguez," Chris said, "I will go alone"

"We have another problem," Ryan said staring at the bodies

"What now?"

"Who is going to tell his wife and her fiancé?"

Rodriguez and Chris stared at each other they totally forgotten that.

"Well," Chris said "I am going to Kitty so you deal with the lovers, see ya" and he rushed to the door.

"I will go to the fiancé, you deal with the wife," Rodriguez said and then left, Ryan was still staring at the bodies.

"Today is the day that I will stop discovering thing"


Lazily she opened her eyes she haven't slept that peacefully for weeks.

"Good morning"

She looked to her right and found Rick smiling and shirtless. She stopped herself from blushing and stared at the ceiling.

She stayed like that for a while, then stood up, stretched and asked the question that she should have asked yesterday.

"Do you by any chance have a bathroom here?"

"Drew the curtain," he said nodding towards it.

She stared at the curtain for a while and then drew it, she was astonished.

It was the perfect bathroom with a toilet, a sink and a shower.

"Yeah, I was astonished when I saw it too," he said coming closer to her.

"Why didn't you remove the curtain when you first entered the house?"

She looked at him for a while "when I came I was so tired that the only thing that I could see was the bed," she said with a smile.

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