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She stood in front of his cell watching him with watering eyes as he did the same. She doesn't know what to say, she didn't come here to talk she only came to see him.

Daniel smiled, "Hey"

"You idiot"

Then they started crying hard.

"Why, Daniel? How could you do that?"

"I couldn't take it," he said, "I couldn't see you with him"

"Do you really believe that I will ever date someone like him?"

"I wasn't thinking straight, Serena. I just... I just didn't want to see you together"

"Now we aren't. Are you happy, now? Do you feel satisfied?"

Silence. He sat down in his chair and stared at the floor. He couldn't look at her anymore.

"What you did will make us separate again," Serena said, "Who knows what could happen next?" she sat on the floor and rested her head on the wall "My brother who I don't even know will leave again"

"But I will be back," he said in almost a shout then whispered, "One day, I will be back"

They didn't talk for a while then he looked at her and smiled, "Do you remember anything about mom?"

She shook her head, "I don't know a lot"

"Tell me about her"

Serena smiled, "She was the sunshine that spread happiness anywhere she would go. She loved everyone and everyone loved her. I asked grandfather once how could she be so perfect he told that she wasn't. He said that she never accepts no for an answer and that she was so proud and prejudice"

Daniel smiled, "So she was the book"

Serena stared at him and a tear fell from her eye.

"What's wrong?" Daniel asked with confusion.

"That's what I said to him"

He smiled, "That shows that we are siblings"

"Please, don't die," she said crying.

"I will try," he said with hidden terror, "I don't think that I will be executed for killing a thief"

"How could you be so cold blooded about killing someone? I mean he was your brother for God's sake"

His cheeks reddened and he stared at the floor again, "I wasn't raised right"

She bit her lower lip, she didn't mean to embarrass him but it was so wrong how careless he was.

She stood in front of the cell and said, "You still hate him, don't you?"

He nodded and said, "In order to kill my conscious, I blame him for what I did and it's working"

"And who should I blame?"

He stood up on the other side and said, "What do you mean?"

"Who should I blame for this?" she asked crying, "Should I blame Sam's father who kidnapped you and killed our mother? Should I blame my father and grandfather who never cared to tell me the truth and never cared about what could happen to us? Should I blame Christy who set the date up? Should I blame Sam who wanted to date me? Should I blame you who killed because of jealousy? Should I blame myself for accepting that stupid dare that ruined our lives? WHO SHOULD I BLAME, BROTHER?"

By the end of the speech, they were both crying hard. After they regained their selves, Serena received a text. She opened it and stared.

"I have to go," She told her brother in a hurry "Take care of yourself"

"I will," he said with a smile "is there something wrong?"

"No, no, everything is OK," she said and left.

Rick was waiting for her outside prison. She didn't notice him and was going out when he held her arm.

"Hey there, flash," he said with a smile, "What happened?"

"Everything went OK, I think," She said in a rush.

Rick frowned, "What's wrong? Where were you going?"

"I have to meet someone," She replied, "See you later"

She was just leaving when she stopped, turned back and ran back for a hug. After she broke it she cupped his face, asked him to take care of himself, gave him a kiss on the cheek and left.

"OOOOH," the twins said unison then Chris said, "Isn't that cute?"

He gave them a small smile then looked at the door. For some reason, he wasn't relieved.


He gave this a lot of thought but then decided to do it anyway. So he gathered all of his courage and knocked on the door.

"COME IN," the sound behind the door said.

He swallowed and then opened the door.

"How can I help you, detective?"

"I came to talk to Mr. Walker not Commissioner Walker"


"It's about Serena," Rick interrupted.

Commissioner Walker gritted his teeth then said, "Have a seat," after Rick sat down he ordered him to speak.

"Serena is not well, Mr. Walker," he said, "She seems fine but she isn't"

"And what could I do d... Rick?" he said angrily. He can't believe that he is taking father advice from a drug dealer.

"Be a father"

"If you are here," the commissioner said between gritted, "to tell me how to be a father then leave"

"She needs you with her"

"Don't you think that I tried," James said, "don't you think that I tried breaking the walls between us. Every time that I break one she builds ten"

"Why did you hide Daniel?"

He stared at Rick, "that is not any of your business"

"Try to reach to her again," Rick said, "The last time when you did, you were forgiven. I am sure that if you tried again, she will forgive"

Rick stood up then saluted him and was about to leave when he remembered something, "Commissioner Walker there is something weird about the jinx case"

The commissioner smiled, "and what is that?"

"The four detectives were persuaded by Christy to ask Serena out"

He raised his eyebrows, "So?"

"Isn't it weird? Christy was her best friend, I am sure that she knew that Serena didn't like the detectives. So why did she persuade them to ask her out?"

"She is a friend who wanted to help, detective," Commissioner Walker said, "don't think about it too much"


"You can leave, detective"

"Sir," Rick saluted before he left.

Author's Note: 3 Chapters To Go. I Just Wanted To Tell You that the Next Chapters Are Going To Be Small. So, Sorry About That. Don't Forget To Vote and Comment.

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