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After the fight, he went home angry and sad. He was trying to protect her but she shouted at him. He was trying to do his part but she told him that he was not needed anymore in her life.

15 years or more, he was her friend and her protector but now he wasn't needed anymore.

He shut the door and was just going to his bed when he heard someone knocking on the door.

He thought that it was Serena asking for forgiveness but it was actually Christy.

"Hey," she said looking as innocent as always

"I am not in the mood, Christy"

"C'mon, I know you" she replied, "You want to talk"

He rolled his eyes and left the door open for her to enter while he sat on the couch. Christy closed the door and sat next to him.

"Spill it all out"

He looked at her and said, "From where do you want me to start? From our fight today in the station or would you like me to tell how bad I felt after it? Wait, I have a better one, let's talk about the fight that happened a few minutes ago, when I was trying to protect her and her answer was I don't need you anymore"

She smiled and said in almost a whisper "Tell me everything"

And he did. He told her everything with all the details. How Serena felt disappointed from him for not supporting her and then how she started insulting her father and how she just fought with him for supporting her.

"I just don't know what to do," he said with desperation "what does she want from me? To help her, to leave her, what does she want?"

"You should stop loving her"

He looked at Christy with amazement, "What... What are you talking about?"

She rolled her eyes, "please, everyone knows about your mad love for Serena except for Serena herself, I can't believe that she can't see it"

She paused and looked at him, "Is it possible for you to love another girl?"

He gave a sad smile, "I don't think so, I tried more than once when we were in college but I couldn't"

"But you know that your love will always be from one side"

"Who said that?" He said with some hope, "if you could see the way she looked at me today in prison when she was talking about how I was her first kiss, you wouldn't have said that"

"But Martin..."

"Listen, Christy," he interrupted "I know that you want the best for me but I am happy like that, who knows? Maybe one day she will remember how much we loved each other"

She stood up and gave him a sad smile, "good luck with that"

"Are you going so soon?"

"Yeah, I should probably get some sleep; you look so tired as well"

They hugged, went to the door and said their goodbyes.

Christy left wondering if he noticed her tears as she was leaving.


Rick was going to his house in the woods and was thinking about everything that happened in his life recently. How in two days his life was turned upside down. He stopped being that arrogant asshole who thinks that the world should serve him. He became more human and more natural. He became his old self. His thoughts drifted to Serena, how beautiful she is and how weird. He started wondering about the secret behind her hatred for her father, what could he possibly have done to deserve it? Then he remembered something more important, why is everyone warning him to stay away from her? What is so dangerous about her? She is weird but not dangerous. He knows that no one will help him except for Ryan but he will never talk with them around him.

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