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Martin sat between Serena and Rick. The three of them were silent; Martin was doing some paperwork for Serena's case while Rick and Serena were sitting on their phones. The only two who were talking were the twins they were discussing the case. Until now, no clues were shown. Then, Serena's phone rang.

"Hey, Christy"

"You...Me...The girls...The boys especially that new cute one...Today...Bingo Café at 8"

"That won't happen"

"What? Why?"

"Because I am not coming"


She shrugged "I wanna relax at home tonight"

"Listen to me, Sue" she shouted,

"If you don't come, I will come to your home and grab you from your hair"

She sighed "Fine"

"Yay, tell the boys"

"By the way, you know that you can't grab me from my hair, right?"

"Yeah, but it made you come, right?"

She tilted her head "make sense" then she hung up.

"Congratulations boys, you have a party to attend to tonight"

"Finally" Chris shouted "something that will get us out of this case"

"You guys have a case," Serena said, "what happened?"

"You were right, Danny and Mark were going out with each other" Chris replied.

"Knew it"

"Yeah, now they are dead" he continued.

"What?" She stared at them "How? When?"

"Yesterday," Chris said.

"A shot in the head" Ryan continued.

"Any clues have shown?" Martin asked.

Chris shook his head "Nothing"

"Is there any witnesses or anything?" Rick asked.

"Kitty Holmes wanted to talk to us, "Chris said "but when I went to her, she wasn't there, her neighbor told me that she traveled, I tried to call her but no answer"

Before they could continue their discussion, Rodriguez came "Serena, Commissioner Walker wants to see you"

She stood up and adjusted her clothes.

"Hey Rodriguez, we have a party tonight, want to come?"

"Where will it be?"

"Bingo, do we have another place?" She smirked "Andy will be there"

Rodriguez's face turned red "I will think about it" and then he left.

The twins laughed.

"You guys are very mean," Martin said.

"This is how we roll," Serena said "now excuse me, gentlemen, I have a war to attend"

The twins formed a fist and hit their chest "Good luck"

She smiled and went to the commissioner's office and knocked the door.

"Enter" she heard from the other side

She took a deep breath and then opened the door.


Crab were assembled again at Sam's house, everyone was on his phone when Sam's phone rang.

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