"Look what the cat drug in. Literally!"

If we were in a cartoon we could have seen the steam coming from her ears!

"I'm here to beat your ass! You sent me to jail!"

"First didn't I beat yours the first time? And you tried to kill my child! You need to be in jail!"

"I wish it would have!"

I'm trying so hard to to kill this bitch! She is trying to kill my child! Every part of me wants to rip her apart starting with her tongue! I need to calm down! Hector is trying to come out.

She lunged at me but Brian jumped in front of me

"No I'm trying not to kill you. I would hate for all of those cameras to see me popping your neck off. So I would highly advise you to back the fuck up!"

"Ah typical dawn! Always having someone to fight your battles! Your weak!"

"Now that's funny. Where is your so called 'man', because I don't see him!"

She said nothing

"Just like I thought! NO WHERE! Leave mine the hell alone! You dumb bitch. Oh and I have a restraining order against you. So if you ever come within 50 feet of me. Your ass will be back in jail. Goodbye and have a nice night! Oh and go take care of yourself! You look like you have HIV or something. You should have rapped it up!"

She walked off screaming. Ha! That shit worked! I just can't believe my baby came from her! It's just not possible! Someone that nice and sweet came from someone do damn evil!


"Baby please come hold me. I really need it."

"Sure baby. Let me change."

I just want to cry. I wish I had a mother.

Brian climbed into bed and held me.

"Baby can you tell me what your mother was like?"

"Yea sure. Well she was she sweetest woman you will ever met. Just like you. She loved us very dearly."


"She would spend her very last to make sure that we were alright. I can remember this one time. It was her birthday. We had all saved up. We had to hide it from her. Well we got her a new pair of shoes. When we gave them to her she cried. I had never seen her cry that hard in my life. It wasn't one of sadness. It was happiness. She treasured those shoes like they were her child."

"That sound nice."

"What does?"

"Having a mother. You know Lisa was never one. She would always fuss an scream at me. When I moved in with my grandparents it was nice. Just not as nice as having a mother."

She began to cry. "I didn't have a mother. I didn't have anyone who I could talk to like you can a mother. I would stay up at night crying. Trying to figure out why she hated me so much! What did I do to her! What did I not do! There was times I sat on my knees until they were bloody praying ask God what did I do. Why does she hate me so. God why!"

I turned her over and wiped her tears. I hate her mother so much. That woman has been nothing but nice! Why treat someone like gum on the bottom of your shoe!

"You know she would beat me for no reason. She would tell me I was worthless. That I was no good. How she should have gotten rid of me. I would sit there thinking about how I could kill myself. Even when I was 4 I knew it was wrong for her to talk to me like that but if I told anyone then she would have been in trouble. I wouldn't have seen here anymore."

I began to cry. No one should have to go through that!

"Baby stop crying."

"I can't! No one should have to go through something like that! I want you to always know that I will always be here for you. My love will NEVER leave!"

"I know. I'm just scared that I will treat my child like she did me."

"Your a better woman than her! You will never do that to our child! Trust me!"

"Ok. Thank you."

"You don't ever have to thank me!"

I pulled her closer into me.

She will always be loved!


Sorry to cut it short. When I was writing the part about how her mother treated her it made me very emotional. It brought back everything that happened when my parents divorced. I will pick back up tomorrow. I can't finish this chapter. I will start a whole new one tomorrow. Thank you guys for understanding!

Love you stinky heads!


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