Imagine👾- Mikey x Gerline

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Mikey and Gerline had met in quite a strange way...but meeting each other was the best thing to happen to them. Gerline became became best friends and she become close friends with all the boys. 



Mikey's Pov

I was in ASDA with Rye, trying to shop for essentials for the flat when Rye decided to do his usual and be a bit weird. He started running around the shop and jumping into freezers. This is the usual for Rye though. I'd usually join in but it was absolutely packed in ASDA today so I decided to just watch him and laugh. He started running around the cereal isle and I just stood there, watching him when this beautiful girl walked around the corner and just saw Rye running in circles. She gave me a confused look and I just smiled at her. Then Rye ran forwards in the direction to her, Rye luckily saw her and swerved past her but if he hadn't have saw her he would've been on top of her on the floor. 

I walked over to her and said, 'I am sorry about him...He's not usually like this.'

 She laughed and said 'Are you sure about that?'

I looked at her and laughed also, 'Well that is him everyday to be fair so yeah.'

She laughed and said 'I'm Gerline' 

I smiled and said, 'What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl, I'm Mikey'

End Of Flashback


This was how they met and since then they've been inseparable, he's even taken her on tour a few times because the distance is too hard for them. They are true best friends. 


Gerline's Pov

I went over to the boys flat earlier today, just to hang out with them like we usually would do. I went in and all the boys were awake except Mikey and Jack, so I made sure to be quiet. I went over to Mikey and lay next to him, making sure not to wake him up. I lay there on my phone checking Twitter, Instagram and any other social media that I needed to check. I had quite a few notifications that were pictures of me and the boys together. Since we hung out so much there were so many photos of all of us together.

I must have been so busy with checking my phone because Mikey had woken up and was now lying with his head on my shoulder. I looked to my side and saw him smiling up at me, 'Morning' I said, he just smiled.

After spending the morning checking social media and cleaning up the flat with the boys, we decided to watch a film. None of the boys really wanted to, only Mikey so all the other boys decided to go shopping while me and Mikey watching a film. Mikey asked me what film we should watch and I suggest a romantic film because I personally love romantic films and I know that Mikey secretly does too. So we ended up putting Dear John on. I'd never seen this before but Mikey had and he said it was amazing. 


Mikey's Pov

I put Dear John on and brought in some snacks from the kitchen. I also picked up a blanket and placed it over me and Gerline. We were lying on the sofa, her head on my chest and my arm around her, there was also a box of tissues on the table as I was sure that either me or Gerline would end up crying. 

When it got to the end of the film, I hadn't cried which I was actually very surprised with but as I looked at Gerline there were tears cascading down her cheeks. I looked at her and wiped the tears away before pulling her into a long embrace. I whispered in her ear, 'it's okay don't worry gorgeous' she smiled and as we pulled away from the hug she leaned in, closer...and closer. Our lips were centimetres apart. She smashed her lips into mine and we moved our lips in sync. 

As we broke the kiss, I looked into her eyes and said, 'I guess love at first sight can happen.' 

She giggled and said 'What do you mean?' 

'The first time I saw you,I thought you were absolutely gorgeous and I couldn't help but stare, I knew there was something different with you. Then when we hung out more and more and become so close I realised I liked you...No I loved you. I LOVE YOU GERLINE.'

She was giggling at this point yet had tears in her eyes, she smiled and said 'I love you too Mikey...The first time I saw you I thought you were ever so kind but funny and also very gorgeous too'

'Will you go out with me Gerline?' I asked not knowing whether this was too soon or not.

She smiled and said.' Is that even a question? OF COURSE IT'S A YES' 

' Is that even a question? OF COURSE IT'S A YES' 

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This is an imagine for CobbanMikey, I hope you like this.

Love you all,


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