Imagine🌵- Andy x Sian

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No one's Pov

Sian and Andy were both at a Pokemon convention and had never met each other before. They never realised that they would bump into each other at the convention and start to form a strong friendship but that's what happened. After 6 months of being friends they started to like each other as more than that. Sian knew from day one that Andy had a band called RoadTrip because he told her and she would often to go their flat and hang around with them, that is where she told the other band members that she liked Andy, it is also where Andy told his fellow band mates he likes Sian.


Rye's Pov

Sian is coming over to the flat today to hang around with Andy and probably go Pokemon Go hunting. It is sometimes really annoying with them pair cause we all know they like each other, and we just want them to get together already. However I am extremely protective over Sian, she is like a little sister to me and I will always have her back and I'd hate her to get hurt by Andy because then I'd have to take her side. That'd hurt Andy and he is my best friend. I just want them to realise and sort it out without hurting each other.


Andy's Pov

Today Sian was coming across to the flat and we were going to do some Pokemon Go hunting and watch some Pokemon. I also thought that today might be a good time to tell her how I feel. Just before she got here Rye pulled me aside and said.

'Andy, Don't hurt Sian...please...she is like a little sister to me. I know you like her and I want you to tell her, but I don't want you to be stupid and hurt her. Okay?'

'Rye...I'd never hurt Sian she is my world. I want to tell her as well and I was thinking of maybe telling her today, but I don't know if I'll be able to...I'm nervous to tell her as it is.' I replied.

'Andy, you'll be fine and also if you do start becoming nervous or stuttering I'll probably be near by so I can but in and make it simple and say date' Rye said laughing.

I smiled and looked at the ground.

'Would you really do that for me Rye?'

'Of course Andy, now go get her...She is at the door.' Rye replied.

'Okay' I smiled.

*****After 3 Hours of Pokemon Go Hunting*****

Andy's Pov Still.

After some time Pokemon hunting me and Sian decided to come into the flat and watch Pokemon, after about 4 episodes I looked at her and smiled. 


Sian's Pov

When me and Andy were watching Pokemon he looked at me and smiled. I just ignored it and continued watching Pokemon but then he started staring at me so I looked at him and laughed, then asked.

'What's up? is there something on my face?'

Andy Laughs and says 'No,I was just admiring your beauty...also I need to tell you something'

'Okayyyy.....' I say a bit confused

Andy then begins to stutter...'Urmmm.....I....I..'

Rye then walks in and interrupts Andy and says

'Basically Sian....Andy like you and he has for a while but he is to shy to say...'

I was shocked but very happy...I didn't say anything just smiled.

'Andy....Sian likes you...She wanted to tell you but didn't want to ruin your friendship. Now date already' Rye said

I looked at Andy and Andy looked at me...we were both laughing.

I said ' Do you actually like me?'

He looked at the ground and said 'yeah...Do you really like me?'

'Yeah' I said and smiled

Rye smiled and walked out, whilst winking at Andy.

'Will you be my girlfriend Sian?'

'Of course Andy....' I said Smiling before pulling him into a huge hug and giving him a kiss.

' I said Smiling before pulling him into a huge hug and giving him a kiss

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This is an Imagine for Siany_XOX, I hope you liked this sis.

Love you all, 

Kayleigh ❤️ 

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