Imagine🐝- Rye x Kayla

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Rye and Kayla have been friends for 2 years. They are basically best friends, they tell each other everything least that's what they thought. They've both been hiding a very big secret from each other, only for the benefit of their friendship though...They both like each other. I know it sounds like one of those love stories but it really isn't. They don't like each other for the looks...because they have brown eyes and brown hair, no...They like each other because when either of them went through a tough time in their life the other one was there to support them and stand by them. Showing them that they would always be there, caring for each other. It isn't a fairy tale, it's just a little change, neither one expected this. But they can't help it as they don't chose who to like...their hearts chose who they like.


Rye's Pov

How do you tell your best friend you like them? That is my question. I can't seem to find the answer to it. I try to hide my feelings, try to stop them but doing that just makes them come back even stronger. What is this girl doing to me? I need to tell her how I feel, but how. I mean I can't just walk up to her and say hey bestie I fancy you...Can I? I need to think of a nice way, but I don't know how to make the move or when to make the move. When is suppose to be the right moment?

New years Eve is soon. Maybe then will be a good time to confess. Make a move, do something to show her how I feel. I feel like such an idiot liking her because we're best friends and I don't want to ruin that but my stupid heart had to decide she's the one for me. DAMN YOU HEART.

*****New Years Eve****

Kayla's Pov

Today is New Years Eve, I am going to a New Years Eve party, to watch the New Year in. The party was planned by one of my friends so I don't really know who's going but I don't care, I am excited. However I do hope Rye is going...So I can see the New Year in with him. Also maybe something will happen between us...By maybe I mean hopefully.

When I got to the party which was being held on the roof of a building, I said my Hi's to everyone and introduced myself to some people who I'd never met before. After I'd done that I made my way over to the ledge and look out, across the city. It was beautiful at night, with all the lights. It'll be even more beautiful soon. With all the fireworks going off, lots of colour will just explode in the sky, creating a beautiful sight. I sighed...

'Hi' I heard from by me, I looked up to see Rye. I pulled him into a huge hug before giggling. I obviously said Hi back but I was just too happy to break up the moment, I just wanted to hug him. I'd be seeing the new year in with my best friend. What could be better?



'Kayla...' Rye said


I smiled


'I need to tell you something' He said


'Go on' I said still smiling




'Rye you can tell me anything you know...'


Silence...he still hadn't told me whatever he wanted to tell me


'Rye?' I asked


I was becoming worried now...what did he want to tell me


I looked around to see everyone with someone else, hugging or kissing.


I felt a pair of lips place on top of mine...I stayed like that for a while, kissing back. When I broke the kiss, I realised it was Rye, He kissed me. All the way through the kiss fireworks were going off. There were sparks...

'Kayla...Will you be my girlfriend?' he asked me

I giggled before kissing him yet again...

I smiled into the kiss and nodded.

'Happy New Year, Gorgeous,' I said

'Happy New Year Baby' He said.

'Happy New Year Baby' He said

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This is an imagine for Kay_Dolan_, I hope you like this.

Love you all,


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