Imagine🙊 - Brooklyn x Gemma

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Brooklyn and Gemma have always been close, they're always been there for each other when times have got tough. Whenever Brooklyn would post something about Gemma on Instagram or Twitter, the Roadies (fans) would always think they were dating. Brooklyn had always loved Gemma but lately he'd started to feel different around her, he didn't just love her as a close friend anymore...he loved her as a crush. What he didn't know was she felts the same. Neither one knew how to confess things like this so advice was needed. 


Brooklyn's Pov

I knew that I needed to tell Gemma how I felt, but I didn't know how to. I knew the one person who would know what to do though...Andy. He knows pretty much everything about love and relationships and he's always said that I can go for him for advice. I decided I was going to ask Andy what to do. Just a 1 to 1, Conversation between me and him.

I asked him for a private chat when he was in the kitchen and he said 

'sure what about?'

I wasn't really sure how to say it so I just blurted it really fast..

'IlikeGemmaandIdon'tknowhowtotellhercanyouhelpme?' I said out of breath

Andy laughed and said...'What did you even say?'

This time I said it slow so he could hear...' I like Gemma...and I don't know how to tell her...Can you help me?'

He said 'Yeah course...Do you have anything specific in mind?'

I stood there for a minute thinking about it...'Maybe you can write a song with me and help create a tune to it? Then maybe I can perform it at one of our shows? And then ask her out in front of everyone?' I was nervous that this was a stupid idea...

but Andy smiled at the idea and said 'Sounds perfect...When should we start?'

I replied with...'Tonight maybe?'

He smiled and said 'Sure'

I then walked off and thought about what lyrics I could use...


Me and Andy decided to go to a recording studio for peace and quiet away from the other boys and also so we could think of lyrics and a tune and a lot of other elements for the song...

In the end we ended up calling it...

I wasn't Worried.

A while later...

The day where I would perform this song was slowly approaching and nerves were kicking in.


Gemma's Pov

Brooklyn had invited me to one of his band's shows...I was surprised to be asked to come to one, since he'd never asked me before...also it was very out of the blue. But of course I said yeah...I mean he's my crush...and best friend after all. I can't let him down or disappoint him. He means the world to me after all.

The day was finally here...

I went to the show wearing what I normally would wear but maybe a little bit more fancy. As I entered there was a rabble of screaming girls. I walked towards the front as I am quite a small person so if I was at the back I wouldn't be able to see.

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