Imagine🐝 ~ Rye x Ellie

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No One's Pov

Rye and Ellie had been dating for over a month but had only told the 'Roadies' a week or two ago. The 'Roadies' didn't mind it when they thought Ellie and Rye were best friends, but when Rye and Ellie announced they were dating not all the 'Roadies' were happy. At first there was hardly any hate because not everyone knew since they announced it on '' also there was hardly any hate because they thought Ellie and Rye were cute together. After a few weeks the hate had become unbearable for Ellie, it wouldn't only be commented in videos. It would be sent to the boys flat where Ellie would then read it and bawl her eyes out. Obviously Rye would comfort her and say ~ 'Everything will be okay, It will die down they just need time.' But they'd had plenty of time and over time it didn't stop...It got even worse.


Ellie's Pov

This is what I was always afraid someone who was famous or someone who has lots of fans. I knew that there would be hate...but I thought the fans would eventually come to terms with the idea of us dating. Well obviously not. I was at the boys flat now 24/7 due to the hate, I was there so Rye could comfort me when I cried which was very often now. The boys luckily didn't mind me being at their flat 24/7 because I was like a little sister to all of them and they were very fond of me. They also respected mine and Rye's relationship as he was a huge part of their lives and they knew I was no harm nor would I ever be.

Most of the mail that I was receiving lately was hate mail, It had been for a while now. I just wanted the fans to realise that actually I am just one of them. I am human, I don't mean any harm. I once was a crazed fan also but then I met Rye at one meet and greet and ended up becoming great friends then something more. It wasn't my fault. I didn't want them to hate me, they could end up dating one of the other boys in the future, they never knew. But by doing this, they were limiting their chanced of ever dating one of the other boys because the boys hated it when people sent hate towards others.


Rye's Pov

This had been going on for far too long...Ellie had been crying non stop almost every single day. There was no need for any of this hate. Ellie is a lovable person, she would never do anything to hurt anyone or make them feel useless she is one of those people who would say something wrong and constantly apologise afterwards. She always tried to make others feel better and happy, now it was my turn to do this.

I was sick of all the hate mail that was coming through, I was sick of all the hate comments that were coming through on our videos, and so were the boys...So we decided to make a video dedicated to Ellie to show her how much she means to us and also to tell the 'Roadies' to stop the hate, she is human and doesn't deserve any of this, in the video we also decided to ask : 'How would you feel if you were having hate, or if this was happening to you?' Because honestly I doubt anyone would like it.I also said:  'I get hate every now and then and I don't like it so think how Ellie feels, she is getting hate all the time for no reason.'

Once the video had been uploaded, I decided to write a twitter post for 2 reasons : 1. To say there was a new video up and 2. To say how much she means to me. 

I then decided to post an Instagram post for any 'Roadies' that didn't have twitter and didn't already know about the video. I posted a photo of me kissing her forehead and wrote this:

 I posted a photo of me kissing her forehead and wrote this:

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@Y/I/N (your Instagram Name), You mean the world to me. I don't know what I'd do without you. You're always thinking of others and caring for them. I love you soo much. 🐝 ~ Rye 🐝
Also guys if you didn't already know there is a new video up that you should all check out, the video means a lot to me and I am (and so are all the boys) very shocked and disappointed that you guys would do such a vile thing. Think before you type. Please 🐝❤️❤️


Everything I wrote was true, I couldn't believe what I'd been seeing and reading. It was vile and I never thought that our fans would ever stoop so low. We love all our fans whether we have girlfriends or not. Don't set out to hurt anyone. Don't set out to hurt Ellie, She is a lovely girl and she is my world. She has made me happy every single day that I've known her, She always makes me smile, there is no doubt about it.

I love her with all my heart, to the moon and back. Forever and Always. 


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This is an Imagine for elliebinch she means the world to me and has been going through a bit of a difficult time. Please show her love you guys. I love you soo much Ellie, and like Rye said...'You always make me smile, without a doubt.' ❤️❤️ 

Love you all so much, 

Kayleigh ❤️

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