Chapter 28

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     Hailstorm froze, her heart stopping.


"Why do you care to ask?"

"That apprentice Hawkpaw, i've never seen him at gatherings and i can see why" She said, "he is almost identical to Mossystar."

"W-what are you going to do then?"


"If you are wanting to take him back i will fight to the death for him" Hailstorm growled.

Lilypool shook her head, "I just wanted to warn you now that i know."

"What do you mean?"

"Mossystar knows about Hawkpaw" Lilypool said, "he spotted him hunting with another cat on your side of the border. That's why i haven't returned to Mountain clan. He will kill me if i don't return with him."

Hailstorm stuttered, "b-but if you were so scared, why didn't-"

"Mountain Clan runs differently. Same warrior code but positions are based on family. My father is Starcloud and I had no choice but to be his apprentice" She said.


"I already spoke to Rosestar, once Birdwing is healthy enough...I will be joining Snow clan" She said.

Hailstorm's fur bristled, "but this doesn't distract what Mossystar is going to do with my son."

"Mossystar won't invade Snowclan. Mountain Clan doesn't trust him and Viperthroat has been plotting with others to rid of his other lives so he can take charge and make things right again" Lilypool said, "If he gets his hands on that tom of yours, Mountain Clan will be ruined."

"What do you suggest we do then?" Hailstorm spat.

"What you have been, keep him hidden, quiet, out of reach of Mossystar," She said. She stood up, "if you'll excuse me."

The she-cat padded off toward the medicine cat den. Hailstorm sneakily followed. She peered her head in, getting a glimpse of teh weakened Birdwing. He wheezed, but more awake than the other cats.

Lilypool's ears twitched. She grabbed what was left of the catmint and exited the den. Hailstorm stuck her head in further. Birdwing coughed, lifting his head.

"What do you want Hailstorm?" he spat.

"Are you alright?"

He coughed, "Fine."

"S-Sorry, I'll go now" Hailstorm slowly backed out.


Hailstorm stopped. Birdwing's tail flicked, "Hailstorm, I need to ask you something."

Hailstorm padded in quietly.

"This cough won't get any better with no more catmint" He said, "I have another stash, I need you to go get them."

"Why me?"

"It's too dangerous for Lilypool and Havenpaw," He said, he coughed again, "it's a human place-i mean twoleg place."

"You stole from Twolegs?"

He growled, "just get to the fence and talk to the cat that is there. He'll give you the catmint you need."

"But birdwing-"

"Catmint is only grown by twolegs and a few bushes if that around here" He said, "and over there it's a steady supply. Please."

Hailstorm gulped.

"But you need to go alone, no one else can know about this place. Can you do that."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2017 ⏰

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