Chapter 19

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     "Good, good Batpaw, now watch Willowpaw," Moonheart said.

Hailstorm watched her close friend train his apprentice. Batpaw was getting really good at fighting so far but still couldn't top his more superior sister Willowpaw. Hailstorm looked up at the sky, seeing the last of the snow clouds pass over ahead of them. Winter had been long but it was almost over. Hailstorm's ears pricked at the sound of the kits barreling out of the den. Swankit leading the group with full confidence.

Songfur came out of the den with her two little ones at her side. They had hardly left the nest and were going to be difficult to apprentice out with their clinginess toward their mother. She had called a dusty-colored tom Dust kit for the small markings of gray on his nose and ear tips. The golden tabby and white she-cat she called Leafkit. They had just barely turned two moons and they hardly wanted to play with the other two kits and would rather stay with their mom. Songfur was exhausted down to the bone with the two constantly nagging at her.

Hailstorm turned back to Batpaw who was intensely trying to focus on Moonheart's instructions. Eventually, Moonheart gave the apprentice a break to go get something to eat. He padded toward Hailstorm, shaking his head.

"Tough training session today" Hailstorm remarked in the shade.

He lied down next to her "He's a good kit. Listens and does what I ask."

"Glad you got him than the other one" Hailstorm said with a hush in her voice.

"You mean Icepaw?" he asked.

She nodded "Yep."

"He's going to be difficult to train, I feel bad for his mentor," Moonheart said.

She swished her tail back and forth until Moonheart spoke up again "Hailstorm, can I talk to you about something?"

She looked at him wary "About what?"

He nudged his head to the left of him "We need to talk in privet."

"The dirtplace?"

"Please," He stood up and quickly slid out of camp through the dirtplace entrance. Hailstorm followed carefully until the two were over by the river right out of camp. He sat down, his tail wrapping around him as he watched the river.

"Okay, what's up?" Hailstorm asked.

"How long?" He asked.


"How long have you been seeing him?"


"Mossystar," He looked over his shoulder, watching her.

She froze. Her heart stopped. He knew?! How did he know? Did he follow her? He must have, there was no other way!

"How did you-"

"I followed you the night we talked in the forest," he said, his voice cracking. "I wondered almost every few nights you smelt different."

"Moonheart, I-"

"I won't say anything to anyone," He said "but you have to stop" He stood up and walked over to her "He's not a good cat and a player at that."

"I-I know..." She sighed.

"Then why do you still see him?" He asked, "Do you really like him that much?"

"" Hailstorm said.

Moonheart's tail dropped "I'm not trying to call you out, I'm just worried. He's a smart cat and I don't want you to get hurt."

Hailstorm gave a small nod "I'll end things, tonight."

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